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Tentative Rulings

Nevada City

Click on any of the links below to view the current tentative rulings in that category, or call (530)  362-4309 (option 8).

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These are the court’s tentative rulings.  In order to argue at the hearing, you must notify the parties and thereafter notify the clerk’s office by email at (preferably) or by calling (530) 362-4309 by 4:00 p.m., the court day before the hearing.  If you do not so notify the parties and court, the tentative ruling shall become the final ruling.  Any argument is limited to five minutes.  See California Rule of Court 3.1308, Local Rule 4.05.3.

Unless the court orders otherwise, the court does not provide court reporters for civil law and motion hearings and case management conferences at the court's expense.  Any litigant who wants a record of a law and motion matter or a case management conference must arrange for the presence of a court reporter at his or her expense.  See Local Rule 10.00.3 B.


July 26. 2024 Civil Law & Motion Tentative Rulings

  1. CL0001401                 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. vs. Adam E. Pratt

Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment is granted. 

​​​​​​​Standard for Summary Judgment

The function of a motion for summary judgment or adjudication is to allow a determination as to whether an opposing party cannot show evidentiary support for a pleading or claim and to enable an order of summary dismissal without the need for trial.  (Aguilar v. Atlantic Richfield Co. (2001) 25 Cal.4th 826, 843.)  In analyzing motions for summary judgment, courts must apply a three-step analysis: (1) identify the issues framed by the pleadings to be addressed; (2) determine whether moving party showed facts justifying a judgment in movant's favor; and (3) determine whether the opposing party demonstrated the existence of a triable, material issue of fact. (Sun v. City of Oakland (2008) 166 Cal.App.4th 1177, 1182-83; McGarry v. Sax (2008) 158 Cal.App.4th 983, 994; Hinesley v. Oakshade Town Center (2005) 135 Cal. App. 4th 289, 294.)

First Cause of Action:  Breach of Contract

Plaintiff’s undisputed facts demonstrate that the parties entered into a contract, that is, the card holder agreement; that plaintiff performed its obligations under the contract by extending a line of credit to defendant, that defendant breached the contract by failing to pay his credit card charges as agreed, and that plaintiff sustained damages in the amount of $14,279.72.  (See Richman v. Hartley (2014) 224 Cal. App. 4th 1182, 1186.)  Defendant has not opposed the motion and has not demonstrated the existence of any triable, material issues of fact.  Plaintiff is entitled to judgment as to this claim.

Second Cause of Action:  Common Counts

Plaintiff’s undisputed facts demonstrate that the parties entered into an agreement, that is, the card holder agreement, which was a written record of the credits and debts between the parties, that their prior transactions established a debtor-creditor relationship, that defendant promised to pay the amounts due under the agreement, and that defendant owes plaintiff $14,279.72.  (See Zinn v. Fred R. Bright Co. (1969) 271 Cal. App. 2d 597, 600.)  Defendant has not opposed the motion and has not demonstrated the existence of any triable, material issues of fact.  Plaintiff is entitled to judgment as to this claim.

  1. CL0001447                 Vanessa Starkey vs. Jeremiah Storer

Defendant’s motion to quash service of the summons and complaint is denied.  

Defendant previously filed an April 22, 2024 motion to quash for improper service of the summons and complaint, which was denied by this court in a May 29, 2024 order (concluding that service by posting and mailing was appropriate).  Defendant’s June 3, 2024 writ regarding the same was denied by the appellate division in a June 10, 2024 order (affirming trial court finding of proper service). 

Defendant’s present motion to quash service of the summons and complaint is construed as a motion for reconsideration as it articulates potentially new grounds to quash the summons and complaint.  That motion must be denied.  Code of Civil Procedure Section 1008, subdivision (a) states that a party may “within 10 days after service upon the party of written notice of entry of the order and based upon new or different facts, circumstances, or law, make application to the same judge or court that made the order, to reconsider the matter and modify, amend, or revoke the prior order.”  Similarly, section 1008, subdivision (b) provides, “[a] party who originally made an application for an order which was refused in whole or part ... may make a subsequent application for the same order upon new or different facts, circumstances, or law” set forth in an accompanying affidavit.  (See Global Protein Products, Inc. v. Le (2019) 42 Cal.App.5th 352, 362.) In addition, a moving party must “show diligence with a satisfactory explanation for not presenting the new or different information earlier ....” (Even Zohar Construction & Remodeling, Inc. v. Bellaire Townhouses, LLC (2015) 61 Cal.4th 830, 833.)  Here, the present motion for reconsideration has been filed well beyond the ten-day deadline and is untimely.  Moreover, defendant has made no showing of new or different facts, circumstances or law justifying reconsideration and has made no showing of diligence related thereto.  

In addition,  “ ‘[t]he law of the case doctrine holds that when an appellate opinion states a principle or rule of law necessary to the decision, that principle or rule becomes the law of the case and must be adhered to through its subsequent progress in the lower court and upon subsequent appeal.’ ” (People v. Cooper (2007) 149 Cal.App.4th 500, 524.)

Such is the case here.  The appellate division has addressed the adequacy of service, and its decision is now controlling for purposes of the current trial court proceedings. 

Plaintiff’s request for monetary sanctions against defendant is denied.  Code of Civil Procedure section 128.5 requires such a motion to be made separately from other motions and must give defendant twenty-one days to withdraw his motion.  Also, plaintiff does not provide a breakdown of the $1,400.00 requested, including the number of hours it took to prepare the opposition, the attorney’s hourly rate, or costs, which would enable the court to determine reasonable attorney’s fees. 

Defendant shall file an answer or other responsive pleading within five days of service of the order after hearing. (See Code. Civ. § 1167.4.)


  1. CU0000079                A.C and M.C. v. The County of Nevada

The motion of defendant Toderean for summary judgment is granted.  The motions of defendant Harrison and defendant County of Nevada for summary judgment are denied.  The motions of defendant Harrison and defendant County of Nevada for summary adjudication are granted in connection with the claim for punitive damages and otherwise denied.

Standard for Summary Judgment

California Code of Civil Procedure section 437c provides for a grant of summary judgment as follows:

(a)(1) A party may move for summary judgment in an action or proceeding if it is contended that the action has no merit or that there is no defense to the action or proceeding.

* * *

(c) The motion for summary judgment shall be granted if all the papers submitted show that there is no triable issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.

 (Code Civ. Proc. § 437c.)

“The purpose of the law of summary judgment is to provide courts with a mechanism to cut through the parties’ pleadings . . . to determine whether, despite their allegations, trial is in fact necessary to resolve their disputes.” (Aguilar v. Atlantic Richfield Co. (2001) 25 Cal. 4th 826, 843.)

The moving party “bears the burden of persuasion that there is no triable issue of material fact and that [they are] entitled to judgment as a matter of law.”  (Aguilar, 25 Cal. 4th at 850; see also Code Civ. Proc., § 437(c), subd. (c).)  A moving party has met their “burden of showing that a cause of action has no merit if” they “ha[ve] shown that one or more elements of a cause of action cannot be established or that there is a complete defense to that cause of action.” (Hennigan v. White (2011) 199 Cal.App.4th 395, 401.)

Once the defendant has met its burden, the burden of persuasion shifts to the plaintiff to show that a triable issue of fact exists as to that cause of action “or a defense thereto.” (Code Civ. Proc. § 437c(p); Aguilar, 25 Cal.4th at 849).  The plaintiff “may not rely upon the mere allegations or denials” of their “pleadings to show that a triable issue of material fact exists but, instead,” must “set forth the specific facts showing that a triable issue of material fact exists as to that cause of action or a defense thereto.”  (Code Civ. Proc. § 437c (p); Aguilar, 25 Cal.4th at p. 849.)

While summary judgment must dispose of the entire complaint, summary adjudication must dispose of the entire cause of action.  (Civ. Code § 437c, subd. (c), and subd. (f)(1).)  “If a cause of action is not shown to be barred in its entirety, no order for summary judgment – or adjudication – can be entered.”  (McCaskey v. California State Automobile Assn. (2010) 189 Cal.App.4th 947, 975).  Any evidentiary doubts or ambiguities must be resolved in favor of the party opposing summary judgment. (Saelzler v. Advanced Group 400 (2001) 25 Cal.4th 763, 768.)

Objections to Evidence

Plaintiffs’ objections to defendants’ evidence are sustained as follows: 1-8 (relevance to the extent this evidence was unknown to Deputies); 9 (relevance).  All other objections are overruled.

Defendants’ objections to plaintiffs’ evidence are sustained as follows: 7-9 (relevance in the context of the instant motion).  The remaining objections are overruled. 

The parties have raised various evidentiary objections in connection with their separate statements.  The court has ruled on the separately filed evidentiary objections.  The court does not rule on any evidentiary objections that have not been separately filed as required.  (See, e.g., Hodjat v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. (2012) 211 Cal.App.4th 1, 8–9.)  Finally, the parties raised various concerns regarding assertion of argument versus fact in the separate statements.  The court has carefully separated factual matters from argument when considering the separate statements. 


Claims 2-4-Negligence Theories

Defendants argue that they are entitled to summary judgment as to all of plaintiffs’ negligence claims.  Per defendants, these claims fail because Deputy Harrison and Deputy Toderean used objectively reasonable force under the totality of the circumstances.

Plaintiffs contend that “a jury must be permitted to determine the following questions of material fact: 1) whether the Defendants failed to follow their training regarding field contacts with persons with mental illness; 2) whether the Defendants employed reasonable pre-use of force tactics; 3) whether Harrison acted unreasonably in sneaking up behind Ms. Crawford; 4) whether it was reasonable for Harrison to taser Ms. Crawford; 5) whether Ms. Crawford was acting violently towards the Defendants; 6) whether Ms. Crawford posed an immediate threat prior to the use of the Taser; 7) whether Ms. Crawford made any violent actions with the knife; and 8) whether Defendants created their own exigency.”

The court agrees with the position of defendant Toderean, but not that of the other defendants. 

Plaintiffs have four (4) separate claims brought under the theory of negligence (negligence, wrongful death - negligence, negligent infliction of emotional distress - direct victim liability, negligent infliction of emotional distress – bystander liability).  The same standard applies to each of these claims.  To prove negligence, a plaintiff must show the defendant had a duty to use due care, he breached that duty, and the breach was the proximate cause of the injury. (Hayes v. County of San Diego (2013) 57 Cal.4th 622, 629.)  Further, in determining whether an officer’s use of force breached the duty of care, California courts apply the same standards applicable in federal cases. Accordingly, courts must apply the Graham factors to determine whether, under all of the circumstances known to the officers at the scene, a use of force was objectively reasonable from the perspective of a reasonable peace officer, including: (1) whether the suspect posed an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others; (2) the severity of the crime at issue; and (3) whether the subject actively resisted arrest and/or attempted to evade arrest by flight. (See Graham v. Connor (1989) 490 U.S. 386, 441 (threat to the officer/others is the most important Graham factor); Martinez v. County of Los Angeles (1996) 47 Cal.App.4th 334, 349-50 (seizure-related state torts use Graham reasonableness standard).)  A police officer may use deadly force where the officer reasonably believes (has probable cause that) the suspect poses an immediate threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or others. (See Tennessee v. Garner (1985) 471 U.S. 1, 11.)

“Law enforcement personnel's tactical conduct and decisions preceding the use of deadly force are relevant considerations under California law in determining whether the use of deadly force gives rise to negligence liability.”  (Hayes v. County of San Diego (2013) 57 Cal.4th 622, 639.)  Explains our high court:

This court has long recognized that peace officers have a duty to act reasonably when using deadly force. The reasonableness of an officer's conduct is determined in light of the totality of circumstances.

Instructive here is our decision in [Grudt v. City of Los Angeles (1970) 2 Cal.3d] 575. In Grudt, a police officer in plain clothes, carrying a double-barreled shotgun, approached a car, possibly causing the driver to think he was being robbed or attacked. The driver accelerated the car toward a second plainclothes officer, and then both officers opened fire on the driver, killing him. (Id. at pp. 581–582.) This court held that the trial court erred in barring a claim of negligence against the officers. (Id. at pp. 585–588.)  Significantly, the shooting in Grudt appeared justified if examined in isolation, because the driver was accelerating his car toward one of the officers just before the shooting. Nevertheless, we concluded that the totality of the circumstances, including the preshooting conduct of the officers, might persuade a jury to find the shooting negligent. (Ibid.) In other words, preshooting circumstances might show that an otherwise reasonable use of deadly force was in fact unreasonable.

(Id. at 629–630 (citations omitted)). 

“[P]reshooting conduct is included in the totality of circumstances surrounding an officer's use of deadly force, and therefore the officer's duty to act reasonably when using deadly force extends to preshooting conductBut in a case like this one, where the preshooting conduct did not cause the plaintiff any injury independent of the injury resulting from the shooting, the reasonableness of the officers' preshooting conduct should not be considered in isolation. Rather, it should be considered in relation to the question whether the officers' ultimate use of deadly force was reasonable.”

[A]s the nation's high court has observed, “[t]he ‘reasonableness' of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.”  In addition, “[a]s long as an officer's conduct falls within the range of conduct that is reasonable under the circumstances, there is no requirement that he or she choose the ‘most reasonable’ action or the conduct that is the least likely to cause harm and at the same time the most likely to result in the successful apprehension of a violent suspect, in order to avoid liability for negligence.” Although preshooting conduct is included in the totality of circumstances, we do not want to suggest that a particular preshooting protocol (such as a background check or consultation with psychiatric experts) is always required. Law enforcement personnel have a degree of discretion as to how they choose to address a particular situation. Summary judgment is appropriate when the trial court determines that, viewing the facts most favorably to the plaintiff, no reasonable juror could find negligence.

(Id. at 632 (citations omitted)).

Viewing the facts most favorably to plaintiffs, as the court must, a reasonable juror could not find negligence as to defendant Toderean.  The undisputed evidence (including particularly the video evidence), shows that Deputy Toderean acted reasonably under the totality of the circumstances, from commencement of his contact with Crawford through the time that he utilized deadly force against her.  Plaintiffs have not demonstrated the existence of any triable, material issues of fact as to these claims. 

Viewing the facts most favorably to plaintiffs, a reasonable juror could find negligence as to defendant Harrison. There is a material dispute as to the pre-shooting conduct by Deputy Harrison, specifically the reasonableness of Deputy Harrison’s decision to close the distance between himself and Crawford moments immediately before he attempted to deploy his taser (given the specific circumstances at that time related to Crawford, including her then mental state and level of threat posed by her) and the reasonableness of his decision to deploy a taser (again, given the circumstances at that point in time related to Crawford). A fact finder, in weighing the evidence, considering credibility, and drawing inferences, could reasonably conclude that Deputy Harrison’s decisions were not reasonable, that these actions provoked/caused Crawford to pursue Harrison (that is, his actions created the emergency or exigency), which, in turn, ultimately caused Deputy Toderean to deploy deadly force. 

The court concludes that summary judgment is warranted as to the claims against Deputy Toderean, and is not warranted as to the claims against Deputy Harrison.

Claim 1-Bane Act Violation

Defendants seek summary judgment as to this claim, arguing solely that there is no evidence that Deputy Harrison specifically intended to deprive Crawford of her constitutional rights.  Plaintiffs contend that the evidence is sufficient for a jury to find reckless disregard.  Plaintiffs have the better argument. 

The Bane Act, among other things, requires a showing of “specific intent to violate the arrestee’s right to freedom from unreasonable seizure.” (Reese v. Cnty. of Sacramento (9th Cir. 2018) 888 F.3d 1030, 1043-45, quoting Cornell v. City of San Francisco (2017) 17 Cal.App.5th 799, 801 (emphasis added)).  Specific intent, in turn, has been defined as follows:

“[A] mere intention to use force that the jury ultimately finds unreasonable—that is, general criminal intent—is insufficient.” (United States v. Reese, 2 F.3d 870, 885 (9th Cir. 1993).) Rather, the jury must find that the defendants “intended not only the force, but its unreasonableness, its character as ‘more than necessary under the circum-

stances.’ ” Id. But it is not necessary for the defendants to have been “thinking in constitutional or legal terms at the time of the incidents, because a reckless disregard for a person's constitutional rights is evidence of a specific intent to deprive that person of those rights.Id.

(Id. at 1045 (parenthesis and italics added); see Cornell v. City & County of San Francisco (2017) 17 Cal.App.5th 766, 801 (“the egregiousness required by Section 52.1 is tested by whether the circumstances indicate the arresting officer had a specific intent to violate the arrestee's right to freedom from unreasonable seizure;” "whether the appellant officers understood they were acting unlawfully was not a requirement. Reckless disregard of the ‘right at issue’ is all that was necessary.”))

Here, for the reasons set forth previously, Deputy Harrison is not entitled to judgment as a matter of law on this claim.  Viewing the facts most favorably to plaintiffs, a reasonable juror could find that defendant Harrison acted unreasonably in connection with Crawford, with a reckless disregard for her constitutional rights.

Vicarious Liability

The county argues that it is not liable because the deputies are not liable.  The court disagrees. 

Because summary judgment/adjudication as to the underlying claims is not appropriate as to defendant Harrison, summary judgment/adjudication is not appropriate as to the county.   (See, e.g., Thomas v. City of Richmond (1995) 9 Cal.4th 1154, 1157 [“A public entity, as the employer, is generally liable for the torts of an employee committed within the scope of employment if the employee is liable.”].) 

Punitive Damages

Defendants seek summary judgment on the punitive damages claim, arguing that the county is immune from such damages and that there is insufficient evidence to support such damages as to the deputies.  Plaintiffs have filed no opposition. 

Defendant County of Nevada is immune from punitive damages awarded under section 3294 of the Civil Code or other damages imposed primarily for the sake of example and by way of punishing the defendant. (See Government Code § 818.)  In addition, there is no clear and convincing evidence that the conduct of Deputy Harrison and Deputy Toderean was malicious, wanton, or oppressive.  (See Civil Code § 3294; Basich v. Allstate Ins. Co. (2001) 87 Cal.App.4th 1112, 1121.)

All defendants are entitled to summary adjudication as to punitive damages.

  1. CU0000396                Amanda Peterson, et al. v. Larry Holt, et al.

This matter is dropped from calendar.  A decision has been issued on the pending motion; this was calendared improvidently.

  1. CU0000569                Susan Foote vs. Jenny Renee Hunter Kaeding

This matter was set on this date for oral argument on defendant’s motion to expunge lis pendens, initially set for hearing on 6-14-24.  The court has received notice of defendant’s bankruptcy filing. “The Bankruptcy Act provides that the commencement or continuation of any legal proceeding against the debtor is automatically stayed by the filing of a petition in bankruptcy, until adjudication or dismissal of the petition.” (Danielson v. ITT Industrial Credit Co. (1988) 199 Cal.App.3d 645, 652 (Danielson) (emphasis added)); 11 U.S.C. § 362(a)(1).) “The automatic stay is applicable only to proceedings against the debtor.” (In re Miller (9th Cir. 2005) 397 F.3d 726, 729.)

If/when the bankruptcy stay is lifted, defendant may calendar a date for oral argument on the court’s tentative ruling which is set forth in the court’s minute order of 6-14-24.  The parties shall advise the court of any change in connection with the status of the bankruptcy stay within five court days of the same.  A case management conference for this case is set for January 27, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

  1. CU0000795                Mark G. Jones vs. Barbara L. Reamer, et al.

On the court’s motion, this matter is continued to 8-16-24 at 10:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

  1. CU0000941                In the Matter of City of Grass Valley

On the court’s motion, the motion to disburse funds is continued to 8-16-24 at 10:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

  1. CU0001257                Barbara Cramer vs. Advanced Home Health and Hospice, Inc.

On the court’s motion, the demurrer, motion to strike and motion for preference are continued to 8-16-24 at 10:00 a.m. in Dept. 6. 

  1. CU21-085424             David Hunter vs. Bruce Coy, et al.

The unopposed motion of plaintiff for attorney’s fees and costs is granted. The pendency of an appeal regarding the motion for enforcement of the settlement agreement does not preclude resolution of this motion.   (See Domestic Linen Supply Co., Inc. v. L J T Flowers, Inc. (2020) 58 Cal.App.5th 180, 187 [“It is well settled that the filing of an appeal does not stay a motion for attorney fees.”].) 

To the extent that defendant seeks any discretionary stay of trial court proceedings (separate and apart from the ordinary stay under Code of Civil Procedure section 916), he must notice and file a separate motion as required under the Rules of Procedure. 

Civil Law & Motion Calendar July 19, 2024 (9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.)

1.         CU0001011                Joel Franks vs. Nationstar Mortgage LLC, et al.

The motion for an extension of time to respond to the order to show cause is granted so that plaintiff can have adequate time to obtain counsel.  Further continuances will be highly disfavored. 

2.         CU0000410                Taylor Strunk v. Stagecoach Motel et al.

Defendant Stagecoach Motel’s  unopposed motion to compel plaintiff’s further responses to form interrogatories, set one, request for production of documents, set one, and request for monetary sanctions, are granted as prayed.

3.         CU18-083071             Cheryl Fornear vs. Mark Macias

Defendant’s motion to enforce the settlement agreement pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6 is granted.

A court ruling on a motion under section 664.6 must determine whether the parties entered into a valid and binding settlement. (Osumi v. Sutton (2007) 151 Cal.App.4th 1355, 1360.)  A settlement is enforceable under section 664.6 only if the parties agreed to all material settlement terms. (Elyaoudayan v. Hoffman (2003) 104 Cal.App.4th 1421, 1430–1432.) When ruling on a section 664.6 motion, the trial court acts as a trier of fact. (Fiore v. Alvord (1985) 182 Cal.App.3d 561, 565.)  Because the section 664.6 procedure is essentially a mini-trial on the enforceability of the settlement agreement, the court deciding such a motion may receive oral testimony, or may determine the motion upon declarations and other evidence. (Corkland v. Boscoe (1984) 156 Cal.App.3d 989, 994; Malouf Bros. v. Dixon (1991) 230 Cal.App.3d 280, 284.)

“A settlement agreement is simply a contract. The retention of the trial court's jurisdiction to enforce the settlement agreement is no different than allowing a person with a contract [with another party] to sue it for breach. The court is powerless to impose on the parties more restrictive or less restrictive or different terms than those contained in their settlement agreement.”  Hernandez v. Board of Education (2004) 126 Cal.App.4th 1161, 1176, citation omitted.)  Nothing in section 664.6 authorizes a judge to create the material terms of a settlement, as opposed to deciding what terms the parties themselves have previously agreed upon.  (Ibid.).   The court simply has reserved the power to enforce, according to its terms, the contract the parties negotiated amongst themselves. (Ibid.) 

“The fundamental goal of contractual interpretation is to give effect to the mutual intention of the parties.”   (Morey v. Vannucci (1998) 64 Cal.App.4th 904, 912).   “The mutual intention to which the courts give effect is determined by objective manifestations of the parties' intent, including the words used in the agreement, as well as extrinsic evidence of such objective matters as the surrounding circumstances under which the parties negotiated or entered into the contract; the object, nature and subject matter of the contract; and the subsequent conduct of the parties.” (Ibid.)

Analysis must start with the May 9, 2022 settlement agreement.  It states, “the parties agree to sell the property at 419 Maryland [(“419”)], and the proceeds will be equally shared after the sale.”  The phrase “the parties agree to sell” shows that the defendant and plaintiff intended that they both would enter into a separate agreement, together as sellers, to sell 419, and that they would evenly share the proceeds from that sale. The settlement agreement does not mention taxes; it also does not state that only one party would bear responsibility for paying taxes.  Because taxes were not discussed, and because defendant and plaintiff agreed to equally share the proceeds, this strongly suggests that the mutual intention of the parties was that each would be responsible for paying taxes resulting from their respective receipt of the proceeds. 

Next, the weight of the credible evidence spanning the two years prior to the instant dispute shows the parties intended to sell the instant property together, share the proceeds, and indeed be responsible for their own taxes.  Among other things:

  • Less than two months after the settlement agreement, plaintiff and her attorney  approached Mr. Levitz to be the broker to list and sell 419.
  • Mr. Levitz represented both defendant and plaintiff as his clients regarding the listing and sale of 419.
  • Three months after the settlement agreement, plaintiff signed an addendum, drafted

            at her request and signed under the advice of counsel, wherein she agreed:

    • She would equally share the title and escrow charges (50/50).
    • She would equally share the costs to repair the property before sale (50/50).
    • She would accept net proceeds of a future sale of 419 to be dispersed by  title and escrow to plaintiff directly at the close of escrow (50/50).
    • “Macias and Gardner [Plaintiff] are responsible for their own individual taxes.”
  • Plaintiff entered into a listing agreement as a seller to sell 419 in 2024.
  • Plaintiff participated, herself and through her attorney, in negotiations and entered  into a sale agreement as a seller to sell 419 in 2024.
  • At no point prior to the signing of the sale agreement or entering escrow did plaintiff or her counsel require that defendant be solely responsible for his own and plaintiff’s tax liabilities.

The court is not persuaded by plaintiff’s argument or asserted evidence to the contrary.

Accordingly, the motion to enforce the settlement agreement is granted.  The parties shall take immediate steps to jointly sell 419 with each party bearing responsibility for the tax liability, including capital gains, for proceeds received upon sale. 

4.         PR0000440                 In the Matter of Katherine Rupert Kinaman

       The motion to relieve counsel is continued to September 13, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in Dept. 6 so that deficiencies in service to the client to be corrected.  There is insufficient information to allow the court to determine that the client was served at her most recent address; further, the proof of service reflects that the client was served at a Kelseyville address but the notice of motion and motion to be relieved as counsel (MC-051) was addressed to the client at a Clear Lake address. The motion should also include a notice of the court’s tentative ruling system.  No appearances are required.

July 12, 2024 Tentative Rulings Civil Law and Motion Department 6

  1. Discover Bank v. Robert Murley  CL0001308          

Motion to Set Aside Default

The Court intends to Grant the motion to set aside the default judgment.

  1. Bowling v. Caseproof LLC CU0001320

Motion Hearing Quash

  1.  GR Marmi SRL v AJ Marble & Granite Co  CU0000236

Order for Examination

  1.  In the Matter of Anerea Lauren Scarbrough  CU0001389

Name Change Hearing

The Court intends to Grant the petition.

  1. In re Sommer Marie Davis  CU0001390

The Court intends to grant the petition.

  1. In Re Amter, Laura-Helene  CU0001396

Name Change Hearing

The Court intends to continue this matter.  No proof of publication has been filed with the Court.

  1. In re Schoellerman, Travis Adrian  CU0001402

Name Change Hearing

The court intends to continue this matter.  No proof of publication has been filed with the court.

  1. David Ward v.Lazy Boy Furniture  SC0000281

Small Claims Motion to Set Aside

The Court intends to continue this matter.  The Court has not received proof from the Defendant that is has complied with the court’s April 12, 2024 minute order.

  1. Nora Inguez De Nanclares v. Clay Winton Riley  SC0000308

Order of Examination

  1. Mardi L. Fisher v. Breadon O. Williams  CU0000316

Motion for Judgment

The Court intends to grant the motion.

  1. Amanda Peterson v. Larry Holt  CU0000316

Motion Hearing Sanctions

The Court intends to deem the requests for admission admitted.

  1. Branford Samuels v. Lewiss Jeffery  CU0000567

Motion Hearing Summary Judgment

Plaintiff met his initial burden of proof.  The burden of proof shifted to the     defendant.  Defendant did not oppose plaintiff’s motion.  The Court intends to grant the motion for summary adjudication.

  1. Mark G. Jones v. Barbara Reamer 


The Court intends to Sustain the Demurrer without leave to amend.

  1. In the Matter of City of Grass Valley  CU0000941

Motion Hearing Disbursement of Funds

Off calendar

  1. Jon Landon v. Harmony Ridge  CU0001159


The Court intends to overrule the demurrer to the First Amended Complaint. 

  1. Minta Mae Stovall v. WMPD LLC.  CU0001293

Demurrer and Motion to Transfer

The Court intends to continue this matter to August 2, 2024 at 10:00 am in Department 6.

  1. Valarie Murray v. Granite Wellness Center  CU20-084680

Review Hearing

  1. Nicholas Findley v. Christopher Anderson  CU21-085655

Motion to Compel

The Court intends to Grant the Motion to Compel.

  1. William Woodruff Blackburn v. Albert Frank Rossitto  CU22-086292

Motion to Confirm Award of Arbitrator

  1. Leslie Leitherer v. General Motors  CU0000364

Pretrial Conference

  1. CSPN LLC v. Kenneth Ryan Koch  CU0000876

Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment

The Court intends to Deny Kenneth Ryan Koch’s motion to set aside   default.

  1. Rubi Ambrosio-Tully v. Silas Timothy Thommpson  CU0001375

Request for Restraining Order

  1. In the Matter of Walter T. Branson  PR0000493

Petition Hearing

  1. Thomas Deal v. Fred Gerkensmeyer  SC0000372

Trial De Novo   

7-5-24 Civil L&M Tentative Rulings


On the court’s own motion, the demurrer and motion to strike are continued to 8-2-24 at 10:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.


Defendant’s motion for summary judgment is denied.

The photographs of the scene of the fall, taken the following day by plaintiff’s daughter, and featured in defendant’s Points & Authorities, establish a triable issue of fact that gross negligence exists.  The court of course disregards the cones and stanchions per Evidence Code 1151 and because they weren’t there on the day of the accident.  The photos show a shin-high dark colored object against a dark-colored floor, with nothing at eye level to warn pedestrians of the tripping hazard and nothing to stop people from running into it.  Unlike the transitory, “one-off” hazard in Willhide-Michiulis v. Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, LLC (2018) 25 Cal.App.5th 344, cited by defendant, this was a permanent, stationary, and ongoing hazard that any employee or supervisor could see—and ameliorate--at any time.  The failure to take any steps to prevent people from walking into it could allow a jury to find a ‘want of even scant care’ or ‘an extreme departure from the ordinary standard of conduct.’ Rosencrans v. Dover Images, Ltd. (2011) 192 Cal.App.4th 1072, 1082.  Because a jury could find that the defendant was grossly negligent, the liability waiver is inapplicable, as against public policy.  City of Santa Barbara v. Superior Court (2007) 41 Cal.4th 747.

Defendant’s objections to the Moore declaration are overruled. The witness’ area of expertise is appropriate to render an opinion of whether a condition is a trip and fall hazard; defendant’s arguments go to the weight of the evidence, not admissibility.

 The court notes the opposition was not filed timely in compliance with the parties’ stipulation.  The court also notes that the defendant’s separate statement did not comply with the formatting requirements of CRC 3.1350(h).  Counsel shall each pay sanctions in the amount of $50 to the Nevada County Law Library.

  1. CU21-085860 GEORGE DEVER et al vs. DANIEL J CROUCH et al

The court declines to amend the judgment.  CCP 473(a)(1) authorizes the amendment of a “pleading or proceeding” “by correcting a mistake in the name of a party.”  A judgment is not a pleading.  The Affidavit of Identity procedure (CCP 680.135) provides a remedy when an error is discovered in the name of a defendant post-judgment.  The Affidavit of Identity filed 5-14-24 does not state the basis for counsel’s assertion that Daniel T and Daniel J Crouch are the same person.  The attached printout has no reference to Daniel J. Crouch.  However, the court also takes note of the complaint filed in this case, and more importantly, the notarized secured promissory note attached to the complaint, in which the borrower is referred to as Daniel J Crouch in the first paragraph but Daniel T Crouch at the signature line; the notary acknowledgement states that the signer of the document was Daniel T Crouch.  The court therefore finds that:  “AKA Daniel T. Crouch” may be properly added to the name of the judgment debtor on a Writ or Abstract of Judgment issued in this case.

  1. CU21-085893 TOM AMESBURY et al vs. BARBARA HEGER et al

The Petition to Compel Arbitration is granted.  CCP 1281.6 provides the sole method for the court to select an arbitrator if the parties are unable to agree.  The statute does not authorize the court to delegate the selection process to a third party organization. As defendant has not provided any proposed arbitrators, this matter is continued to July 26, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  Defendant shall file and serve a list of proposed arbitrators by July 19, 2024.  The court will thereafter issue a list of five names, as provided by CCP 1281.6.

6-28-2024 Civil Law & Motion

There are no Civil Law & Motion matters scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on this date.

6-21-2024 Civil Law & Motion Tentative Rulings

  1. CL0000572    Gerry Reis v. Roger Reis

Defendant’s demurrer is sustained with leave to amend.  Defendant argues that the complaint fails to state a cause of action and is uncertain.  The court agrees.  A civil complaint must state the facts upon which the claims are based.  This complaint does not include any such allegations.  Plaintiff has checked box 10(a) indicating that a motor vehicle cause of action is attached, but has instead attached a “general negligence” cause of action.  The general negligence cause of action does not say who did something wrong, what that person did wrong, and how that caused harm to plaintiff.  The demurrer is sustained with leave to amend.  Plaintiff may file an amended complaint within 20 days of service of the order after hearing, to correct the problems outlined here.  Appearances are required.

  1. CL0000939    Discover Bank v. Sharon Deal

The motion to relieve counsel is granted upon proof of service of the order upon the client.  Counsel shall prepare an appropriate order listing all future court dates.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0000079    Walter Crawford v. The County of Nevada

Defendants’ motion for summary judgment is continued until July 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.   No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000562    Don Zeppenfeld, et al. v. Martin Reilley, et al.

Defendants’ motion for reconsideration is continued until August 2, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.  Additional briefing is requested to address this question:  Is the instant lawsuit an “enforcement proceeding” for purposes of Code of Civil Procedure section 683.160?  Be sure to comment on the relevance, if any, of Code of Civil Procedure section 681.010.  Both parties’ briefs of no more than 5 pages shall be submitted by July 12, 2024 at noon.  No appearances are required.     

  1. CU0000569    Susan Foote vs. Jenny Renee Hunter Kaeding

Defendant’s motion to continue trial is granted, in part.  Defendant has shown good cause for solely a brief continuance to complete discovery.  Trial is continued to September 3, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.; pretrial conference is continued to August 23, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.; mandatory settlement conference is continued until August 12, 2024 at 10:00a.m.

  1. CU0001293    Minta Mae Stovall vs. WMPD LLC, et al.

Plaintiff’s motion for trial preference is granted. Per Code of Civil Procedure section 36(f), the trial must be set within 120 days of the order granting preference. The trial and associated dates will be set at the June 24, 2024 case management conference.

The motion of defendants Alderson and WMPD to quash service of summons is denied.

As a preliminary matter, the court need not resolve plaintiff’s June 7, 2024 evidentiary objections to the Alderson declaration for purposes of this motion.  The court sustains plaintiff’s June 7, 2024 objections to MMSP/Alderson’s request for judicial notice.

Alderson/WMPD first argue that they were exempt from service of process during Alderson’s court appearance in California due to the application of the “Immunity Rule.”  The court disagrees.  The Immunity Rule no longer applies under current law. See Severn v. Adidas Sportschuhfabriken, 33 Cal.App.3d 754, 762 (1973); Silverman v. Superior Ct., 203 Cal.App.3d 145, 149 (1988).  In addition, Alderson did not appear at the courthouse voluntarily, but to surrender on an arrest warrant.  Under these facts, the Immunity Rule would not apply even if the court were inclined to revive it. 

Next, Anderson/WMPD argue that this court lacks personal jurisdiction because moving parties do not have sufficient minimum contacts with the state.  The court is not persuaded. “A court may exercise specific jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant only if: (1) the defendant has purposefully availed himself or herself of the forum benefits; (2) the controversy is related to or arises out of [the] defendant's contacts with the forum; and (3) the assertion of personal jurisdiction would comport with fair play and substantial justice.”  Pavlovich v. Superior Ct., 29 Cal.4th 262, 269 (2002) (citations and internal quotations omitted).  Here, the evidence presented, including the verified complaint, sufficiently establishes that Anderson/WMPD have purposely availed themselves of this forum’s benefits by taking an interest in, conducting transactions pertaining to, and commencing foreclosure proceedings on a real property located in this forum.  See Plaintiff Op, at 9:27-10:20.

Anderson/WMPD also suggest that a forum selection clause compels that this matter be litigated in the state of Nevada.  Not so.  “[A] party may move to stay or dismiss the action on the ground of inconvenient forum.”  Miller-Leigh LLC v. Henson (2007) 152 Cal.App.4th 1143, 1150. The application of a forum selection clause is not properly before the court at this time for resolution and is irrelevant to the question of personal jurisdiction.

In light of the court’s orders granting trial preference and the resulting accelerated trial timeline, moving defendants shall file their answer/responsive pleading by July 1, 2024.

  1. CU21-085655 Nicholas Findley vs. Christopher Anderson, et al.

Defendants/cross-complainants’ demurrer and motion to strike are continued until July 5, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

6-14-24 Civil Law & Motion Tentative Rulings

  1. CU0000634    Carla Marie Vieira vs. Cal. Department of Transportation, et al.

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required.

Defendant California Department of Transportation’s (DOT) motions for summary judgment against Richard Knolle and Andrea Janecek, in their individual capacities, are denied.   

The applicable law for this matter is well summarized in Simms v. Bear Valley Community Healthcare District (2022) 80 Cal.App.5th 391: 

A claim for personal injury against a public entity, such as Simms's medical malpractice claim, generally must be presented to the public entity “not later than six months after the accrual of the cause of action.” ([Government Code] § 911.2, subd. (a).)  … “ ‘[F]ailure to timely present a claim for money or damages to a public entity bars a plaintiff from filing a lawsuit against that entity.’ ” (City of Stockton v. Superior Court (2007) 42 Cal.4th 730, 738, 68 Cal.Rptr.3d 295, 171 P.3d 20; § 945.4 [with limited exceptions, “no suit for money or damages may be brought against a public entity ... until a written claim therefor has been presented to the public entity and has been acted upon by the board, or has been deemed to have been rejected by the board”].)

A claim has been presented to the public entity when the public entity “receives a document which contains the information required by section 910 and is signed by the claimant....” (Phillips [v. Desert Hosp. Dist. (1989) 49 Cal.3d 699, 707], 263 Cal.Rptr. 119, 780 P.2d 349; see § 910.2 [signature requirement].) The information required by section 910 includes the “date, place, and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction which gave rise to the claim asserted” and “[a] general description of the ... injury, damage or loss incurred so far as it may be known at the time of presentation of the claim.” (§ 910, subds. (c), (d).) Where the claimant seeks less than $10,000, the claim must also state “the amount claimed,” including an estimate of any prospective damages, “together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed.” (Id., subd. (f).) Where the amount sought exceeds $10,000, “no dollar amount shall be included in the claim,” but the claim “shall indicate whether the claim would be a limited civil case.” (Ibid.) “[A] claim need not contain the detail and specificity required of a pleading, but need only ‘fairly describe what [the] entity is alleged to have done.’ ” (Stockett [v. Association of Cal. Water Agencies Joint Powers Ins. Authority (2004) 34 Cal.4th 441, 446], 20 Cal.Rptr.3d 176, 99 P.3d 500.) Moreover, “ ‘[w]here there has been an attempt to comply [with the claims statute] but the compliance is defective, the test of substantial compliance controls.’ ” (Wood v. Riverside General Hospital (1994) 25 Cal.App.4th 1113, 1118, 31 Cal.Rptr.2d 8 (Wood).) “Substantial compliance contemplates that there is at least some compliance with all of the statutory requirements.” (Del Real v. City of Riverside (2002) 95 Cal.App.4th 761, 769, 115 Cal.Rptr.2d 705 (Del Real).)

There is a recognized and important distinction, however, between a claim that is inadequate because it does not substantially comply with the requirements of section 910 and a document that is not a claim at all. “A claim that fails to substantially comply with sections 910 and 910.2 may still be considered a ‘claim as presented’ if it puts the public entity on notice both that the claimant is attempting to file a valid claim and that litigation will result if the matter is not resolved.” (Del Real, supra, 95 Cal.App.4th at p. 769, 115 Cal.Rptr.2d 705; see § 910.8 [requirement that public entity give notice “[i]f ... a claim as presented fails to comply substantially” with statutory requirements].) A “claim as presented” is also sometimes called a “trigger-claim” because its receipt by a public entity “triggers a duty by the public entity to notify the potential claimant of the claim's insufficiency stating, with particularity, the defects or omissions.” (Green v. State Center Community College Dist. (1995) 34 Cal.App.4th 1348, 1358, 1354, 41 Cal.Rptr.2d 140 (Green); see § 910.8 [requiring notice of insufficiency of claim]; see also § 911.3, subd. (a) [notice requirement for claims returned as untimely].) “If the public entity fails to send this notice, it waives any defenses as to the sufficiency of the claim based upon a defect or omission.” (Green, supra, 34 Cal.App.4th at p. 1358, 41 Cal.Rptr.2d 140; see § 911 [waiver by failure to give notice of insufficiency]; see also § 911.3, subd. (b) [waiver by failure to give notice of untimeliness].)

(Simms, supra, 80 Cal.App.5th at 399–401.)

At bar, the claim for $5 million dollars against the state, filed by an attorney on behalf of the decedent Judith Knolle and her estate, included both damages personal to the deceased, and damages personal to the survivors of the deceased.  The “burial and funeral expenses; pain and suffering” are claims by the estate of the deceased.  “[C]ompensation for the loss of the deceased’s companionship and support” can only be claimed by survivor(s) of the deceased.  The court need not decide whether sufficient information was disclosed on the face of the filed claim to reasonably enable California DOT to make an adequate investigation of the merits of the claim and to settle it without the expense of a lawsuit, had it desired. The court assumes, arguendo, that there was not substantial compliance.  That said, the court concludes nevertheless that this was a claim as presented or trigger claim.  DOT was placed on notice that the estate and  very likely survivors of the decedent were attempting to file a valid claim and that litigation would  result if the matter was not resolved.  This in turn triggered a duty by DOT to notify the potential claimant of the claim's insufficiency stating, with particularity, the defects or omissions.  That was not done here.  Where, as here, the public entity fails to send this notice, it waives any defenses as to the sufficiency of the claim based upon a defect or omission under Government Code section 911.

Summary judgment is denied.

  1. CU0000569   Susan Foote v. Jenny Kaeding                                                                     

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required.

Defendant’s motion to expunge the lis pendens is granted.

Pursuant to Section 405.20 of the Code of Civil Procedure, “[a] party to an action who asserts a real property claim may record a notice of pendency of action [lis pendens], in which that real property claim is alleged.”  The effect of a lis pendens “is that anyone acquiring an interest in the property after the action was filed will be bound by the judgment.”  BGJ Assocs., LLC v. Superior Court (1999) 75 Cal.App.4th 952, 966.  “Once a lis pendens is filed, it clouds the title and effectively prevents the property’s transfer until the litigation is resolved or the lis pendens is expunged.”  Id. at 967; see also Urez Corp. v. Superior Court (1987) 190 Cal.App.3d 1141.

A court shall order that the lis pendens be expunged if (1) “the court finds that the pleading on which the notice is based does not contain a real property claim”; or (2) “the court finds that the claimant has not established by a preponderance of the evidence the probably validity of the real property claim.” Code of Civil Proc. § 405.31, 405.32.) The burden is on the party opposing the expungement motion to establish the existence of a real property claim and its probable validity.  See Code of Civ. Proc.  §§ 405.30, 405.32; Howard S. Wright Const. Co. v. Superior Court, (2003) 106 Cal.App.4th 314, 319.)

The court need not resolve defendant’s objections to the declaration of plaintiff except as noted.  For purposes of this motion, the court considers paras 1-4 of plaintiff’s declaration.  The court sustains the objection to para. 5 of plaintiff’s declaration including the unsworn e-mails of Brandon Glasson, Travis Foote, and Christina Lopez attached thereto.  These e-mails do not constitute admissible evidence under penalty of perjury.  The court need not resolve the remaining objections by defendant.  The court does not consider argument of counsel as evidence and does not consider evidence other than statements submitted under penalty of perjury.

On the record submitted, the court finds that the complaint includes two real property claims to quiet title and for partition.  That said, the court finds that plaintiff has not established by a preponderance of credible evidence the probable validity of the real property claims.  The lis pendens is ordered expunged.

By law “[t]he court shall direct that the party prevailing [on the motion] . . . be awarded reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of making or opposing the motion.”  The reasonable billing rate for counsel is fixed at $350.00 per hour.  Based thereon, the court awards fees for 9 hours in the amount of $3,150.00 and costs in the amount of $60.00 (filing fee).  To the extent that defendant seeks recovery of $751.18 (“research costs”), she must provide legal authority for the same. 

  1. CU19-083787 Michael Hayward Vs. Eva Krivak-Tetley

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required.

The motion to tax costs is denied.  The declaration in opposition establishes that the cost in question is the cost of a copy of the deposition of a co-defendant, which is a reasonably necessary litigation expense.  See Code Civ. Proc. § 1033.5.

6-7-24 Civil Law and Motion Tentative Rulings

  1. CL0000939     Discover Bank vs. Sharon Deal

Appearances are required.  The court is favorably inclined to grant the motion to relieve counsel. 

  1. CL0000944     U.S. Bank National Association vs. Rocky Stone

Dropped from the calendar.  A request for dismissal has been filed.

  1. CU0000663    Brian Kelley, et al. vs. Rebecca Aycock, et al.

The motion for leave to file the amended complaint is granted.  The motion was filed reasonably soon after the 10 April 2024 depositions wherein plaintiff discovered evidence to support pleading additional theories of liability against new defendants.  Any challenges to the sufficiency of claims for punitive damages must be addressed by separate motion.  The trial date and associated dates are vacated.  A case management conference is set for 1 July 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The parties shall file case management statements as required and plaintiff shall have the new defendants served as soon as possible to avoid any further delays.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000795    Mark G. Jones vs. Barbara L. Reamer, et al.

The motion to consolidate and the motion for a stay are denied.  The motion for reclassification is denied without prejudice. 

In the second amended complaint for the instant case, plaintiff Jones alleges wrongful foreclosure in connection with three properties (the Christie Lane property and the Copenhagen Drive properties) against, among others, three trustee sale purchasers of the properties: Sierra Asset Investors, SPFF, and Veritas Capital (the “trustee sale bidders”).  In case CL0001025, Sierra Asset Investors seeks to evict defendant Jones from the Christie Lane property. 

As a preliminary matter, plaintiff Jones erroneously filed his motion to consolidate in the unlawful detainer case.  Notice should have been given to all parties in both cases, but the motion itself should have been filed in the instant case, which was the first in time and is the low-number case.  See Rules of Court, Rule 3.350.

Turning to the merits, “Code of Civil Procedure section 1048 grants discretion to the trial courts to consolidate actions involving common questions of law or fact.”  Todd-Stenberg v. Dalkon Shield Claimants Trust (1996) 48 Cal.App.4th 976, 978.   At bar, the trustee sale bidders are named as defendants in counts four (injunction) and thirteen (quiet title), respectively.  Other than alleging that the trustee sale bidders purchased the properties at issue, the SAC includes the following allegation regarding these defendants: “they may have also wrongfully and/or unlawfully participated in the wrongful and illegal Trustee’s Sale of Plaintiff’s Property at foreclosure.”  SAC para. 95 (italics supplied).   All three defendants have been served, a default has been entered as to SPFF, and there presently is no answer or other responsive pleading from Sierra Asset Investors or Veritas Capital.

On this record, the pleadings in the wrongful foreclosure action do not frame any material or significant issue of law or fact in common with the issues in the unlawful detainer action.  The unlawful detainer action has one overriding issue:  whether Jones has a right to possession of the property.  Contrary to the suggestion of Jones, both cases, as presently pled, do not involve complex issues regarding the determination of title.  “In unlawful detainer proceedings, ordinarily the only triable issue is the right to possession of the disputed premises, along with incidental damages resulting from the unlawful detention.”  Coyne v. De Leo (2018) 26 Cal.App.5th 801, 817; see, e.g., High v. Cavanaugh (1962) 205 Cal.App.2d 495, 498; Cheney v. Trauzettel (1937) 9 Cal.2d 158, 159.  More specifically, a plaintiff-purchaser in an unlawful detainer action need prove only that the sale was in compliance with Civil Code section 2924 and that they thereafter duly perfected title. See Stephens, Partain & Cunningham v Hollis (1987) 196 Cal.App.3d 948, 952.  “‘Matters affecting the validity of the trust deed or primary obligation itself, or other basic defects in the plaintiff's title, are neither properly raised in this summary proceeding for possession …, nor are they concluded by the judgment.’” MCA, Inc. v. Universal Diversified Enterprises Corp. (1972) 27 Cal.App.3d 170, 176, quoting, Cheney, 9 Cal.2d at 160.

The request for a stay is denied for similar reasons.  No good cause has been demonstrated why the unlawful detainer proceedings herein must or should be held in abeyance pending resolution of the wrongful foreclosure action.  Plaintiff in the unlawful detainer action has a right to invoke use of summary unlawful detainer proceedings.  See Coyne, 26 Cal.App.5th at 817 (“The purpose of the unlawful detainer statutes is to provide the landlord with a summary, expeditious way of getting back his property when a tenant fails to pay the rent or refuses to vacate the premises at the end of his tenancy.”); see Vasey v. California Dance Co. (1977) 70 Cal.App.3d 742, 746.  General issues related to the validity of title are not properly part of the unlawful detainer action and, as necessary, can be resolved as part of the wrongful foreclosure action.  A stay, under the circumstances presented, is not warranted. 

 The motion for reclassification of the unlawful detainer case pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 403.040 is denied without prejudice.  That issue must be presented to and decided by the assigned judge in the unlawful detainer matter.    

  1. CU0000944    Jaime Lopez vs. Tahoe Preservation Associates LP, et al.

Plaintiff’s motion to compel further responses to interrogatories is granted with the exception of a further response by Care Housing GP LLC as to Interrogatory 3.2.  Plaintiff’s motion to compel production of documents is granted.  Plaintiff’s motion to deem requests for admissions as admitted is granted (unless responses without objections are produced prior to the hearing).  

The objection to a further response to Interrogatory 3.2 as to Care Housing GP LLC is well founded.  That interrogatory has been answered. 

Defendants’ remaining objections to all other discovery requests lack merit.  The discovery propounded seeks relevant information and is not overbroad, burdensome or oppressive, especially given the election by defendants to raise 25 different defenses in each answer.

Sanctions are awarded to plaintiff in the amount of $3,150.00.  Defendants’ request for sanctions is denied. 

  1. CU21-085797  Koslin and Koslin Construction, Inc. vs. GV Development, LLC

The motions for summary adjudication by defendant GV Development Group, LLC (GVD) and defendant Smith are denied. 


A defendant moving for summary judgment based on the affirmative defense of the statute of limitations carries its burden by presenting evidence establishing that the plaintiff’s claim is time barred; it then falls to plaintiff to counter with evidence creating a dispute about a fact relevant to that defense, that is, plaintiff must submit evidence that would allow a reasonable trier of fact to find in plaintiff’s favor on the statute of limitations issue.  See Genisman v. Carley (2018) 29 Cal.App.5th 45, 49.

Second Cause of Action for Breach of the Confidential Agreement against Defendants Smith and GVD, Third Cause of Action For Breach of the Construction Agreement against Defendant GVD and Third Cause of Action for Breach of Agreements to Pay Change Orders against Defendant GVD

Defendant GVD argues that both the second and third causes of action are time barred and that it is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.  Defendant Smith argues that the second cause of action is time barred.  Specifically, they argue the statute of limitations for these claims accrued no later than December 2015--pointing to various emails in the second half of 2015 to suggest that Smith/GVD breached the agreements at that time—and hence the claims were time barred as of December 2019.  See Exhibits C-I to GVD’s 1/11/24 Separately Bound Evidence.   The court is not persuaded.

The instant action was filed in September 2021.  An action for breach of a written contract must be filed within four years of the breach.  See Code of Civil Procedure section 337(a).  As an initial matter, defendants appear to have failed to meet their burden of establishing a breach or repudiation in 2015 based on the e-mails presented.  The emails, standing alone, are subject to various interpretations/inferences and suggest the existence of a material dispute as to whether there was a breach or repudiation in 2015.  There is certainly no definitive statement or indication that defendants had breached or repudiated the agreements. See Exhibits C-I to GVD’s 1/11/24 Separately Bound Evidence.  Assuming defendants met their burden, there are sufficient disputed facts to defeat summary adjudication as to this issue. The evidence presented by plaintiff, in combination with the e-mails, creates a material dispute as to whether there was a definitive breach or repudiation in 2015.  See Koslin Decl. paras. 58-60, 61-73, Exs. 2 and 5.  Among other things, Koslin had asked via email in 2015 that unpaid invoices be credited to his capital account, which, per the terms of the confidential agreement, he could do at his sole discretion.   See Exhibits H and B to GVD’s 1/11/24 Separately Bound Evidence.  There is evidence that Koslin received a partial payment in January 2019.  See Exhibit 5 to Koslin Decl.   “A few months before the action was filed in 2021, Smith [told Koslin] ‘We will be paid all of our money back as soon as these three houses sell.’ [referring to certain lots that were substantially complete.]” Koslin Decl., para 47.  A reasonable juror could conclude, from all of the e-mails as well as the recollections of Koslin, that there was no definitive breach or repudiation in 2015.  Lastly, “when there are ongoing contractual obligations the plaintiff may elect to rely on the contract despite a breach, and the statute of limitations does not begin to run until the plaintiff has elected to treat the breach as terminating the contract.”  Romano v. Rockwell Internat., Inc. (1996) 14 Cal.4th 479, 489.  A reasonable trier of fact could conclude that this case involved an interrelated operating agreement, confidential agreement and construction contract and that plaintiff did not make an election to treat a breach by defendants as terminating the contract until 2021.  See Koslin Decl. paras 45- 46 and Exhibit 2. 

Fourth Cause of Action for Fraud against Defendant Smith

Defendants argue that this claim arose in 2011, is now time-barred, and that they are entitled to judgment as a matter of law.   The court is not persuaded.  

As a preliminary matter, GVD is not named in this cause of action (although the prayer for relief references GVD).  GVD lacks standing to seek summary adjudication of this claim and its motion is denied on that basis alone. 

Turning to the merits, in cases of fraud, the three year statute of limitations commences when the plaintiff discovers the injury.  See Code of Civil Procedure section 338(d). (In an action “on the ground of fraud”, “The cause of action in that case is not deemed to have accrued until the discovery, by the aggrieved party, of the facts constituting the fraud ….”).

At bar, the court assumes arguendo that both defendants have standing to seek summary adjudication of this claim and that both defendants met their burden of presenting evidence that plaintiff’s claim is time-barred by pointing to plaintiff’s complaint which alleges that Smith’s actions took place in 2011, ten years before the complaint was filed.  See Exhibit A, para 61 to 1/11/24 GVD’s Separately Bound Evidence.  That said, plaintiff has met his burden of presenting evidence that would allow a trier of fact to find that the claim is not time-barred.  Koslin declares:  “It was not until Smith wrote a letter on August 12, 2021, that I discovered that he had in fact reduced my capital account by $150,000 and that distributions were being calculated since 2011 based on that reduction in my capital account.”  Koslin Decl., para 48.  This statement in Koslin’s declaration is sufficient to raise a triable issue of fact that that fraud was undiscovered until 2021 and that the action did not accrue until that date. 

The motions are denied in their entirety.

  1. CU0001159    Jon Landon vs. Harmony Ridge Resorts, et al.

The hearing on the demurrer is continued to 6/28/24.

  1. CU0001178    Gregory Ludlum vs. Joshua Terranova, et al.

The hearing on the demurrer is continued to 6/28/24.

  1. CU0000836    Leanne Price vs. James Kitchen, et al.

Appearances are required for a hearing with Judge Picquet.

Personal appearances are permitted.  You may also appear via video by arranging a remote appearance at least two court days prior to hearing by emailing:

These are the court’s tentative rulings.  In order to argue at the hearing, you must notify the parties and thereafter notify the clerk’s office by email at (preferably) or by calling (530) 362-4309 by 4:00 p.m., the court day before the hearing.  If you do not so notify the parties and court, the tentative ruling shall become the final ruling.  Any argument is limited to five minutes.  See California Rule of Court 3.1308, Local Rule 4.05.3.

Unless the court orders otherwise, the court does not provide court reporters for civil law and motion hearings and case management conferences at the court's expense.  Any litigant who wants a record of a law and motion matter or a case management conference must arrange for the presence of a court reporter at his or her expense.  See Local Rule 10.00.3 B.


These are the Court’s tentative rulings.  Attorneys and parties are directed to review the tentative rulings prior to the scheduled hearing, notify the opposing side if they intend to appear at the hearing, and notify the clerk’s office by email at OA@NCCOURT.NET (preferably) or by calling (530) 362-4309 by 4:00 p.m. the court day preceding the hearing.  Local Rule 8.27.  Argument is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per party.

Parties are directed to review Nevada County Superior Court local rules 8.13 and 8.14 regarding proposed orders in probate matters.  Orders should be drafted and submitted in conformance with such rules.


July 26, 2024 Probate Tentative Rulings

  1. P21-16901      In the Matter of DOROTHY DOLEMAN SURVIVORS TRUST

On the court’s own motion, this is continued to 8-9-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

  1. PR0000232     In the Matter of Estate of Scott Nebenzahl

The decedent’s surviving spouse has been personally served with the order to show cause.  Appearances are required for the order to show cause and to set further evidentiary or other proceedings as warranted. 

  1. PR0000258     In the Matter of Jonathan Miller

The petition for final distribution is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000365     In the Matter of Howard E. Miller

The petition for final distribution is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000518     In the Matter of Donald Robert Lewis

This matter was continued to this date to allow objector Andes to file appropriate documents for a will contest as required under the Probate Code.  Nothing has been filed in accordance with the requirements of the Probate Code; as such, no further action is warranted as to the objection.  Given that the petition for probate was granted on 6-14-24, this matter is dropped from the court’s calendar at this time.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000531     In the Matter of Sierra Nevada Regional DCSS

The Petition is granted as prayed.  The trustee shall pay the current arrears balance ($19.501.47 as of April 2024, plus additional unpaid support and interest which has accrued since that date), pursuant to Probate Code section 15305.  The trustee shall pay a further $37,000 to DCSS as security for future child support payments per Family Code section 4012.  These funds shall be held by DCSS in an interest-bearing account and used to pay the future child support obligations of John Douglas, beneficiary of the trust at issue here.  If any amount is remaining after Mr. Douglas’ child support obligations (including 50% share of the minor’s uninsured medical costs) are fulfilled, it shall be repaid to Mr. Douglas.

  1. PR0000556     In the Matter of Michael Allen Murdock,

The petition for probate is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000572     In the Matter of Arthur Carl Bern

The petition for probate of lost will is granted, subject to filing of proof of publication.  The court finds that the presumption of Probate Code section 6124 is rebutted by the statements in the petition regarding estate planning documents by decedent and petitioner Bern, decedent’s surviving spouse.  Bond is waived.  No appearances are required.

7-19-24 Probate Tentative Rulings

  1. P03-13732      In the Matter of PAUL S. JOHNSON

The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for July 17, 2026, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P05-14149      In the Matter of WESLEY B. JAMES

The petition for attorney’s fees is granted.  The petition to be relieved as counsel is denied.  There is a November 22, 2024 review hearing set due to the court’s and court investigator’s concerns about the conservator’s continued ability to provide an appropriate level of care in the future. The investigator previously recommended appointment of a successor conservator and it is unclear whether any other family member might be an appropriate successor conservator.  Given the concerns about the conservator’s age and health, it is in the conservatee’s best interests that counsel not be relieved.

  1. P09-14833      In the Matter of JACQUELINE C. WALKER

The conservatorship shall continue.  The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for July 17, 2026, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P09-14943      In the Matter of SEAN KRULISKY

Appearances of conservators Lienhart and Krulisky are required for hearing.  It appears the conservatee is doing well and that a conservatorship remains warranted.  Conservator Lienhart is now divorced from conservator Krulisky and has moved to Missouri with the conservatee.  No court permission was sought for the change of conservatee residence.  It also appears that conservator Krulisky remains in California.   Conservators must file an appropriate application to transfer the conservatorship to Missouri if that is to be the permanent residence for conservatee.  See Probate Code § 2001.  Conservators shall not change the residence of the conservatee without express authorization from the court.

  1. P11-15177      In the Matter of PHILLIP T. KRULISKY

Appearances of conservators Lienhart and Krulisky, and conservatee Krulisky, are required for hearing given the indication by the court investigator that a conservatorship no longer appears warranted.

  1. P12-15334      In the Matter of HELEN POWELL

Appearance of conservator Smith is required given her indication that she wishes to resign.  The court must determine whether there are any other potential family/friends who can serve as conservator.  The Public Guardian shall be present and prepared to indicate whether it is available for appointment to serve as conservator. 

  1. P12-15410      In the Matter of MICHOL NOELL STEPHENSON

At the request of the court investigator, this hearing is continued to September 13, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required.

  1. P12-15413      In the Matter of MATTHEW UNRUH

The conservatorship shall continue.  The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for July 17, 2026, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P15-15861      In the Matter of SHANE KRULISKY

The conservatorship shall continue.  The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for July 10, 2026, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P18-16383      In the Matter of the COPELAND SPECIAL NEEDS TRUST

The order to show cause is discharged in light of the June 13, 2024 response of counsel Logsdon.  The petition to appoint a new trustee is granted.  The trustee shall provide an annual accounting.  The accounting for 2024 is calendared for hearing on February 14, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

  1. P19-16519      In the Matter of TIMOTHY MILES OBRIEN

The conservatorship shall continue.  The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for July 17, 2026, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P22-17021      In the Matter of JAMES C. JONES

The petition for final distribution of the Estate of Warrington Russell Willis, Jr., is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000217      In the Matter of POPPY BLUE MCKNIGHT

The petition for approval of the first accounting is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required. 

  1. PR0000302   In the Matter of MARTA DOLORES CRUZ

A notice of death of conservatee was filed on October 2, 2023. This matter is dropped from the calendar.  No further accounting hearings shall be set.

  1. PR0000354     In the Matter of THE WARREN H. MAYBERRY TRUST

Appearances required for status of service and confirmation of the August 23 and 30, 2024 evidentiary hearings including time estimates and participants. 

  1. PR0000455     In the Matter of WADE AMESBURY

Appearances are required for settlement status.

  1. PR0000560     In the Matter of DAVID K. BOHEGIAN

The Heggstad petition is granted.  Schedule A to the trust specifies the trust property and includes “4.  Business interests: Martorana Bohegian Co . . . .  6. All other property of the Trustor that otherwise would comprise part of the Trustor’s Probate Estate.” A formal order shall be submitted that specifies precise identifying information (e.g., account numbers, share numbers, etc.) to allow the entity holding the asset to correctly identify the asset to be transferred to the name of the trust.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000565     In the Matter of RHONDA E. MYERS

The petition for letters of administration is granted as requested, with limited authority under the IAEA.  Bond has been waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000567     In the Matter of DELROY T. BONIVERT

The petition for Letters of Administration is granted.  Bond is set at $430,000.  Although the petition states that the petitioner is the sole heir and waives bond, the petition states that the decedent has an adult child.  Per Probate Code section 6401, a surviving child is entitled to one-half the decedent’s separate property estate. The surviving child has not waived bond.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000568     In the Matter of HENRY ISADORE de CORTE

The petition for probate of will is granted as prayed.  Executor is granted full authority under IAEA; bond is waived.  No appearances are required.

7-12-24 Probate Tentative Rulings Department 6

  1. In the Matter of Michael Foster P10-15067

Accounting Hearing

The Court intends to approve the Ninth and Final Accounting.

No appearance required.

  1. In the Matter of Donald W. Young P11-15266

Accounting Hearing

The Court intends to approve the Thirteenth Accounting.

No appearance required.

  1. In the Matter of Lori Greeninger  P15-15875

Accounting Hearing

  1. In the Matter of Hyon Engelman  P17-16166

Review Biennial

The Court intends to approve the Sixth Annual Accounting.

The Court intends to approve the Seventh & Final Accounting.

No appearance required.

  1. In the Matter of Juliette Rita Anderson  P19-16490

Review Biennial

Moving party to provide the Court with Juliette’s exact address in California.  If Mr. George Anderson does not appear at the hearing he is to provide the Court with Juliette’s address by August 6, 2024.

  1. In the Matter of Leslie K. Moran  P19-16527

Petition Hearing-Transfer Venue

The Court intends to confirm that Aegis of San Francisco in South San Francisco is an appropriate facility to provide for Leslie Moran’s needs. The Court intends to consider Leslie Moran’s request to transfer from his facility to his home.

  1. In the Matter of Steven Steger  P19-16555


No documents have been supplied to the Court since the July 8, 2022 review.  The Court needs information concerning Steven Steger’s health and financial needs.

  1. In the Matter of Marlena Pearl Hall  P84-09878

Review- Biennial

After reviewing the report submitted by Cathleen Sweeney, Court Appointed Investigator, the Court is persuaded that Marlena Pearl Hall’s physical and financial needs are adequately being met by her conservator, Mark Hall.  The Court intends to review this case again on June 26, 2026.

  1. In the Matter of Christopher Brackoneski  PR0000361

Hearing-Final Distribution

The Court intends to approve the petition for final accounting and distribution.  No appearance required.

  1. In the Matter of Douglas Elliott  PR0000387

Hearing Final Distribution

The Court intends to approve the petition for final distribution.

No appearance required.

  1. In the matter of Bradley Palm, Jr.  PR0000442

The Court intends to continue this matter to August 9, 2024.

No appearance required.

  1. In the Matter of David Randolph Griffis  PR0000495

Petition Hearing

The Court intends to continue this matter.  No Inventory and Appraisal has been file with the Court as required by paragraph 8(b) of the petition.

  1. In re Moody Kava  PR0000516

Petition Hearing

  1. In re Moody Aliyah  PR0000517

Petition Hearing

  1. In the Matter of Brooke S. Collins  PR000536

Petition Hearing –Trust

The Court intends to continue this matter.  Petitioner has provided the Court with no information regarding the assets of the Trust.  The Court cannot assess whether the $300,000 requested distribution will jeopardize Surviving Spouse, Kay Huettmann.

  1. In the Matter of Tamara Cranwell  PR0000538


The Court intends to inquire of Tamara Cranwell regarding her objections to the Conservatorship and her living placement.  The Court has reviewed the June 14, 2024 Minute Order and is mindful of Judge Tice-Raskin’s  inclination to approve the proposed Order.

  1. In the Matter of Leilani Webb  PR0000540

Petition Hearing/Decedent’s Estate

  1. In the Matter of Rodolfo Petschek  PR0000549

Petition Hearing to Administer an Estate

The Court intends to continue this matter.  The parties identified in the Will/Trust were not given notice for the July 12, 2024 hearing.

  1. In the Matter of Cheryl Ann Hall  PR0000551

Petition Hearing

Paragraph 12 references a loan.  What loan?  Who made the loan?  What was loaned?  What were the terms of the loan?  The Court needs answers to these questions before the petition can be granted.

  1. In the Matter of the Darlene M. Brown Separate Property Trust  PR0000561

Petition Hearing

The Court requires evidence that the petitioner has complied with Probate Code section17203.

  1. In the Matter of the Beatrice Anne Sonke  PR0000563

Petition Hearing for Appointment for Probate Conservator

The Court intends to take this matter off calendar.  It appears the proposed conservatee died on July 2, 2024 and the petition is now moot.

7-5-24 Probate Tentative Rulings

  1. P16-16048      In the Matter of FAITH COLLINS

The court intends to sign the proposed Order Continuing Conservatorship submitted by counsel for Conservatee.  A biennial review is set for 4-3-2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  No appearances are required.

  1. P18-16407      In the Matter of GARY HANSHAW

The court’s orders from the 3/22/22 hearing included the following:  “Due to the size of the estate, no further accountings will be required.”  The accounting hearing is vacated; the next biennial review is 4-3-2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  No appearances are required.

  1. P97-12518      In the Matter of JENNIFER ZANKICH

Conservatorship to continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for June 26, 2026, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000199     In Re Buschmann, Carl

The hearing is continued to 9-13-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  Quest is appointed to provide an investigation report focused on whether the proposed successor guardians are able to meet the Conservatee’s treatment needs.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000426     In the Matter of Renee S. Marshall

The requested fees and costs are granted as prayed, in the amount of $1,352.40 and shall be paid forthwith from the Conservatee’s estate.  The request to be relieved as counsel for Conservatee is granted.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000453     In the Matter of SUZANNE M. PERRY-MILLER

The requested fees and costs are granted as prayed, in the amount of $3,546.40 and shall be paid forthwith from the Conservatee’s estate.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000471     Conservatorship of Mark Harris

The Petition is granted as prayed.  The fee orders of 5-28-24 are vacated.  Fees and costs are granted in the amount of $514.95.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000487     In Re Richards, Scott

The Petition for Probate is granted.  Letters shall issue.  Bond is set at $17,000.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000543     In the Matter of James David Varner

The Petition to Administer Estate is granted.  Letter shall issue.  Bond is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000547     In the Matter of Quita Ann Blevins

The Petition for Probate is granted subject to filing of Proof of Publication.  Bond is set at $260,000.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000555     In the Matter of Megan R. Jaime

Appearances required to discuss any necessary discovery or other matters prior to trial.  The court intends to continue this matter for trial setting on 7-28-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.

  1. PR0000561     In the Matter of Clawson L Julienne

The hearing is continued to 7-12-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The Petition was filed and served with less than 30 calendar days’ notice.  Probate Code Section 17203 requires 30 days’ notice.  No appearances are required.

6-28-2024 Probate Calendar

There are no probate matters scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on this date.

6-21-2024 Probate Tentative Rulings

  1. P10-15067      In the Matter of MICHAEL FOSTER

Although the 8th and 9th/final accounting appear generally in order, the original Petition for Appointment of a Probate Conservator indicated that the Petition was served on a relative of the conservatee, Marie Springer, in Sussex, NJ.  She was not served with the documents for this hearing.  An explanation is needed.  Appearances are required.

  1. P13-15451      In the Matter of ZACHARY KECK

The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for June 19, 2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P13-15463      In the Matter of MEYER ELLIOT ZUMWALT

The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for June 26, 2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P17-16198      In the Matter of DANTE SHEA SHANTA

The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for June 26, 2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required. 

  1. P17-16243      In the Matter of EMILY ANN DORTON

The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for June 26, 2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P19-16497      In the Matter of JONATHAN BEST

The conservatee objects to the continuation of the conservatorship.  Katie Lenore is appointed to represent the conservatee.  A further hearing is set August 2, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

  1. P19-16508      In the Matter of ALYSA GIAMMONA

The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for June 26, 2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. P21-16826      In the Matter of CYNTHIA HARWOOD

The review hearing is vacated as the conservatee has passed away.  The final accounting has already been approved.  No further hearings are required and no appearances are required.

  1. P21-16938      In the Matter of SYLVIA CHOLAK

The petition does not include information as to whether a change of ownership was filed or not required pursuant to Probate Code section 8800(d). The petition appears otherwise in order. The hearing is continued to July 26, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required.

  1. P79-08918      In the Matter of VINCENT PARKS

Appearances are required.  Per the court’s November 2023 order, an accounting was required in 2024 for the period from 2021-2023.  Conservator is directed to prepare, serve and file the same for hearing on August 23, 2024, 09:00 in Dept. 6.  The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for June 26, 2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is payable forthwith from the conservatee’s estate. 

  1. P89-10877      In the Matter of THOMAS MICHAEL ODOM

It appears that the Public Guardian is taking appropriate steps to find a more suitable placement for the conservatee’s needs.  The court sets a further review hearing for August 2, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

  1. P94-12001      In the Matter of JANA KRISTINE JACKSON

The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for June 26, 2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000062     In the Matter of PETER STERN

The first and final accounting is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000258     In the Matter of JONATHAN MILLER

A change in ownership statement must be filed with the Nevada County Assessor’s Office. when this is completed, the Petition can be granted.  The hearing on this Petition is continued to July 26, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6. 

  1. PR0000409     In the Matter of PETER STERN

The petition for final distribution is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000479     In the Matter of SUSAN KAY PHILLIPS

The petition for the first and final accounting is approved.  Attorney’s fees, costs, and reimbursements are approved as requested.  The remainder of conservatee’s estate shall be distributed as set forth in the prayer for relief in the petition.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000494     In the Matter of MARTIN KEANE O’HARA

The matter is continued until July12, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6 as there is still no investigator’s report.  The temporary conservatorship shall continue.  The clerk shall follow-up with the investigator.

  1. PR0000512     In the Matter of SAMANTHA COLEMAN-MOLINA

The petition for guardianship of the estate is denied without prejudice.  The hearing was continued to this date to allow petitioner to correct the deficiencies in the petition, specifically, the petition and notice of hearing have not been served on the relatives identified in the petition, and there is no explanation of why a guardianship of the estate is needed.  Nothing further has been filed.  Petitioner may set a further hearing in the future with an amended petition.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000514     In the Matter of LILLYANNA COLEMAN-MOLINA

The petition for guardianship of the estate is denied without prejudice.  The hearing was continued to this date to allow petitioner to correct the deficiencies in the petition, specifically, the petition and notice of hearing have not been served on the relatives identified in the petition, and there is no explanation of why a guardianship of the estate is needed.  Nothing further has been filed.  Petitioner may set a further hearing in the future with an amended petition.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000520     In the Matter of LESLEY HUNTER

The petition to determine validity of trust and trust assets is granted as prayed.  The Wells Fargo Bank Account is an asset of the trust.  The trust states, at Section 1.03: “By execution of this agreement, I transfer, convey, and assign to my Trustee, the trust property described on Schedule A, attached to this agreement . . . .”  Schedule A states: “All real and personal property” which encompasses the Wells Fargo bank account.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000531     In the Matter of SIERRA NEVADA REGIONAL DCSS

The hearing on the petition to enforce child support judgment is continued to August 23, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  There is no notice of hearing (DE-120) reflecting notice as required in Probate Code 17203.

  1. PR0000534     In the Matter of DARROL K. TRIPP

The first amended petition for letters of administration is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000548     In the Matter of KURT EDWARD MEELHEIM

The petition for probate is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

6-14-24 Probate Tentative Rulings

  1. P12-15410      In the Matter of Michol Noell Stephenson

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required. There is no investigator’s report in the file.  The matter is continued to July 19, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6. The clerk shall follow-up regarding the same.

  1. PR0000217     In the Matter of Poppy Blue McKnight

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6. No appearances are required. The accounting appears to be in order, but it does not appear that a notice of hearing was sent to the persons who were given notice of the guardianship proceedings.  This matter is continued to July 19, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6. 

  1. PR0000244     In the Matter of Nychelle O'Callaghan

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6. No appearances are required.  The conservatorship shall continue. The conservatorship still appears to be warranted and the conservator is acting in the best interests of the conservatee regarding the conservatee's placement, quality of care, including physical and mental treatment, and finances.  The next biennial review is set for May 29, 2026, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived. 

  1. PR0000252     In Re the Matter of Ronald Louis Clark

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.  Appearances are required for status conference and trial setting.

  1. PR0000361     In the Matter of Christopher Brackoneski

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6. Appearance of petitioner is required.  The petition for final distribution was continued to this date to allow the petitioner to correct deficiencies in the petition, i.e.., notice to the Franchise Tax Board and an accounting.  Nothing further seemingly has been filed. 

  1. PR0000367     In the Matter of Leilani Asonia Hollingshead

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearance is required.  This matter was continued from May 10, 2024 because the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) filed a request for special notice and they were not served.  There is still no proof of service on FTB in the court file.  In addition, it is not readily apparent that sale and equal division of the property at issue among the six children as requested by petitioner is consistent with the intentions of the decedent.  One plausible outcome could involve the sale of the property with distribution of half the proceeds to Richard Hollingshead and distribution of the remaining proceeds equally among the other five children.  Any party that has a position regarding the petition, including an opposition to the same, must file and serve their response/opposition by no later than July 12, 2024.  The moving part shall prepare an order after hearing that incorporates this ruling and serve the same on all interested parties with proof of service of the same.  This matter is continued to July 26, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

  1. PR0000430     In the Matter of Isaiah Schneider

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required.  The petition for appointment of conservator is granted as prayed with all requested powers.  The court finds that the conservatorship is warranted as the conservatee is unable to provide properly for his own needs for physical health, food, clothing, and shelter.  There will be a review hearing on June 6, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The court investigation fee is waived.

  1. PR0000481     In the Matter of Salvatore V. Alberti

The June 4, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.

Appearance are required for trial setting.

  1. PR0000518     In the Matter of Donald Robert Lewis

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required. The will attached to the petition, described as being five pages long, is still missing pages 3 and 4, as previously noted in connection with the May 10 hearing.  Petitioner Lewis shall address this issue.  In addition, objector Andes has filed an objection to the will contesting its validity.  Once a contestant has filed an objection, a summons must be issued and served, with a copy of the objection, on the persons required by Probate Code §8110 to be served with notice of hearing of a petition for administration of the decedent’s estate. The summons must be issued and served as provided in Code of Civil Procedure § 412.10 et seq. and § 413.10 et seq. The summons must contain a direction that the persons summoned file a written pleading with the court in response to the contest within 30 days after service of the summons.  See Probate Code § 8250(a). See also Probate Code §8004(b) (procedure for will contest set forth in Probate Code §8250 et seq.).  Contestant Andes shall address these issues prior to the next hearing.  If contestant objects to the petition to administer the estate by Lewis, any objection to that specific request shall be filed and served no later than July 19, 2024.  The hearing is continued to July 26, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6. 

  1. PR0000538     In the Matter of Tamara Cranwell

The June 14, 2024 hearing is continued from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Dept. 6.

Appearances are required.  The court is inclined to grant the request for a conservatorship.  However, there is no proof of service of the citation on the proposed conservatee.  Counsel for conservatee shall indicate whether conservatee opposes the conservatorship and whether conservatee waives service of the citation. 

6-7-2024 Probate Tentative Rulings

  1. PR0000188     In the Matter of Todd Alan Goodin

The petition by conservatee counsel for attorney’s fees is granted as prayed, chargeable to the conservatee’s estate.  Counsel for conservatee is relieved.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000232     In the Matter of Estate of Scott Nebenzahl

Appearances are required by petitioner Welborn and creditor Duffer.  The court has received supplemental briefing from the creditor including declarations from petitioner and counsel for petitioner and creditor. 

By no later than 28 June 2024, petitioner and creditor shall provide the court with additional declarations that address the following questions:   (1) with respect to every document served by mail on the surviving spouse, was that item returned to the sender as undeliverable for any reason?  (2) how recently has any attempt been made to verify the current whereabouts of the surviving spouse including whether she still resides at Frosty Lane?

The court will issue an order to show cause to the surviving spouse to file an inventory and appraisal or explain why the information should not be provided pursuant to Probate Code section 11442 as it appears that apportionment of the debt of the decedent is potentially required pursuant to Probate Code section 11444(b) and that allocation would be affected by characterization and value of separate property owned by the surviving spouse and community property not administered in the estate.  Petitioner and creditor shall prepare an appropriate draft order. 

On the current record, the court remains concerned that the surviving spouse does not have actual or constructive notice of the petition for final distribution including the significant request for allocation of debt.  As such, petitioner and creditor are directed to personally serve copies of all relevant documents in connection with the hearing on the surviving spouse including, without limitation, the petitions, order to show cause, all briefing and a new notice of hearing.

The hearing on the petition for final distribution including allocation of debt to the surviving spouse is continued until 6 September 2024 to provide the parties with adequate time to comply. 

  1. PR0000407     Conservatorship of Mattie Sommers

The petition by conservatee counsel for attorney’s fees is granted as prayed, chargeable to the county.  Counsel for conservatee is relieved.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000455     In the Matter of Wade Amesbury

Appearance required to report on status of settlement and for entry of orders as appropriate.

  1. PR0000532     In the Matter of Jacob Allen Bieker

The hearing regarding petition to administer the estate is continued to August 9, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The petition appears generally in order, however, there is no notice and proof of service of the hearing on the persons listed in item 8 of the petition.  There is also no proof of publication.  Petitioner shall file form to show that those listed persons were served at least 15 days before the continued hearing date.  If the deficiencies are addressed, the court is inclined to grant the petition at the next hearing.

  1. PR0000533     In the Matter of Jeffrey B Barton

The petition to confirm trust and to appoint trustee is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000537     In the Matter of The Barbara Jean Sweat Living Trust

The petition to determine ownership of trust property and to direct transfer of the same is granted as prayed.  No appearances are required.

  1. PR0000546     In the Matter of Ellsworth H. Getchell

The petition to administer the estate is granted as prayed.

 9.  PR0000053     In the Matter of Mildred A Kitchen

Appearances are required for a remote hearing with Judge Picquet regarding status of mediation and settlement.

  1. PR0000349     In the Matter of Mark Allen Foss

The petition for an order confirming sale of real property is granted as prayed.  The will directed that the property to be sold and the sale of the property complies with Probate Code section 10309.  On the court’s own motion, the buyer’s agent’s commission of 2% is confirmed pursuant to Probate Code section 10313(b).  No appearances are required.

11.  PR0000519    In the Matter of David L. Swetman

The spousal property petition is continued to 7-12-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

A spousal property petition allows for the decedent’s one-half share of the community property to pass to the surviving spouse without estate administration.  See Prob. Code 13650, et seq. 

At bar, the petition first requests that a check made out “Estate of David Swetman” pass to decedent’s spouse.  The explanation in the amended petition reveals that this check is an inheritance received by the decedent, which is the separate property of the decedent, not community property.  As such, this cannot be transferred via a spousal property petition.

 The other piece of property at issue is real estate.  There is presently insufficient information provided to determine whether this is community property which can be transferred by this procedure.  In addition, the petition contains other deficiencies:  Item 3 is left blank.  Item 4(c) is not filled out.  There is no box checked in item 7(a).  Item 8 is not filled out.  There is no notice of hearing with proof of service.

Petitioner shall remedy all of these items prior to the continued hearing. 

5-31-24 Probate Tentative Rulings

  1. P06-14356      In the Matter of ALAN O NICOL 1992 REVOCABLE TRUST

The 19th annual accounting is approved.  No appearances are required.

  1. P10-15114      In the Matter of ROBERT SNELL

The 2nd annual accounting is approved.  No appearances are required.

  1. P14-15679      In the Matter of ROBERT M. SCHNEIBLE

Appearance of conservators are required in connection with the order to show cause and to determine whether conservators will be filing an amended petition to seek dementia powers in connection with the conservatee.

  1. P18-16383      In the Matter of COPELAND SPECIAL NEEDS TRUST et al

Appearances of petitioner and the temporary conservator are required.  The court takes not of the 30 August 2023 declaration of Carrie Highfill, para. 9.  Further information from the petitioner and temporary conservator is needed in connection with the same. 

  1. PR0000481     In the Matter of SALVATORE V. ALBERTI

Appearances are required to set further proceedings including a trial as necessary.

  1. PR0000528     In the Matter of DEBORAH WEHR

The petition to appoint conservator is dismissed at the request of County Counsel.

  1. PR0000540     In the Matter of LEILANI WEBB

The petition is continued to 28 June 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The petition was filed with insufficient notice under Probate Code section 17200.  Petitioners must submit a supplemental brief 10 court days prior thereto indicating whether they seek to establish a special needs trust solely based on the authority of Probate Code section 3600, et seq./42 U.S.C. section 1396p(d)(4)(A) or whether they assert any other basis for relief. 

These are the Court’s tentative rulings.  Attorneys and parties are directed to review the tentative rulings prior to the scheduled hearing, notify the opposing side if they intend to appear at the hearing, and notify the clerk’s office by email at OA@NCCOURT.NET (preferably) or by calling (530) 362-4309 by 4:00 p.m. the court day preceding the hearing.  Local Rule 8.27.  Argument is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per party.

Parties are directed to review Nevada County Superior Court local rules 8.13 and 8.14 regarding proposed orders in probate matters.  Orders should be drafted and submitted in conformance with such rules.


Personal appearances are permitted.  You may also appear via video by arranging a remote appearance at least two court days prior to hearing by emailing:

These are the court’s tentative rulings.  In order to argue at the hearing, you must notify the parties and thereafter notify the clerk’s office by email at (preferably) or by calling (530) 362-4309 by 4:00 p.m., the court day before the hearing.  If you do not so notify the parties and court, the tentative ruling shall become the final ruling.  Any argument is limited to five minutes.  See California Rule of Court 3.1308, Local Rule 4.05.3.

Unless the court orders otherwise, the court does not provide court reporters for civil law and motion hearings and case management conferences at the court's expense.  Any litigant who wants a record of a law and motion matter or a case management conference must arrange for the presence of a court reporter at his or her expense.  See Local Rule 10.00.3 B.

July 29, 2024 Case Management Calendar Tentative Rulings


No appearances are required.  The case management conference is continued to 9/23/2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The case is not at issue; Doe defendant Garrison has not been served.  Plaintiff shall serve notice of the continued CMC with the summons and complaint. 

2.  CU0001354          CYNTHIA GUSTAFSON, AN INDIVIDUAL vs. SAFEWAY INC., et al.

No appearances are required.  The case management conference is continued to 10/21/2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The case is not at issue; defendant Safeway has been served but has not yet filed a responsive pleading. 


The court notes that no motion to certify the class has been filed. 

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

5-7 day jury trial

Trial:  5/20/25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  5/9/25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  4/28/25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6


No appearances are required.  The deadline for the filing of any dispositive motion, including a motion for summary judgment/adjudication is September 13, 2024.  Trial on the second and third causes of action of the complaint is set as follows:

7-day jury trial

Trial:  12/3/25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  11/22/25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  11/18/25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

5.  CU21-085424      DAVID HUNTER vs. BRUCE COY, et al.

The case management conference is continued to October 28, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  Plaintiff’s case management conference statement suggests he might seek leave to file an amended complaint.  Defendant has appealed the court’s decision regarding the motion to enforce the settlement agreement.  In considering further trial activities, the parties should examine whether those activities are or are not subject to an automatic stay under Code of Civil Procedure section 916.  See, e.g., Varian Medical Systems, Inc. v. Delfino (2005) 35 Cal.4th 180, 189-191.

July 22, 2024 Case Management Calendar Tentative Rulings

  1. CL0000572    Gerry Reis v. Roger Reis

The case management conference is continued to 9-23-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  Defendant shall prepare and serve an order after hearing in connection with the 5-20-24 ruling by no later than 7-26-24.  No appearances are required.

  1. CL0001166    Gaylord Spurgeon, et al. vs. Joel Perez, et al.

Appearances are required for a hearing before Judge Horn.

  1. CL0001222    Lillion Mae Watson vs. Mike Hylan, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 9-23-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The case is not at issue.  The cross-complaint has not been served.  No appearances are required.

  1. CL0001625    Bronson Lee vs. Christine Cortez, et al.

Appearances are required.  No CMC Statement has been filed and no defendant has been served.

  1. CU0000634    Carla Marie Vieira vs. Cal. Department of Transportation, et al.

Appearances required.  The case management conference was previously been continued in order to serve defendant Estate of Knolle.  Counsel should be prepared to discuss the status of this party.  Trial cannot be set unless the case is at issue.

6.   CU0000778    Tricia Dowden vs. Sammie's Friends

The case is dismissed without prejudice per California Rule of Court, rule 3.1385(b).

7.   CU0000995    Brooks A. Gill vs. Steven Archer, et al.

The case management conference is dropped as a trial date is already in place.  “Rescheduling” the trial date is properly accomplished via a motion to continue trial.  No appearances are required.

8.   CU0001103    Bank of America, N.A. vs. Steven Matthew Guild

The case management conference is continued to 10-21-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  If defendant’s location has not been ascertained by that date, a request for service by publication may be appropriate.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0001134    U-Haul Co. of California, et al. vs. Clifford Webb, et al.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day non-jury trial

Trial:  1-14-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  1-3-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  12-16-24, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001142    Bon Marie Munier Special Needs Trust vs. Edwin A. Klein, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 10-21-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  In lieu of a CMC Statement, counsel shall submit a declaration regarding the status of binding arbitration.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001152    Truckee Donner Public Utility District vs. Cheng S. Quah

Appearances are required for plaintiff to indicate whether a default prove-up hearing should be set or whether the court has discretion to decide the request for judgment based solely on the record submitted to date.

  1. CU0001216    Greg Bomhoff vs. Michael Decarlo, et al.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

3 day jury trial

Trial:  1-14-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  1-3-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  12-16-24, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6


The case management conference is continued to 9-23-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The case is not at issue; a default, answer, or other responsive pleading is needed as to both defendants.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001339    In the Matter of Quality Loan Service Corp.

The case management conference is continued to 9-23-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The former owner of the property was served by mail at the address of the property at issue in this case, which she no longer owns.  A copy of the petition and associated documents in this case shall be served on the former owner via the address provided in the Sacramento County case referenced in the petition for service of documents in that case.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001341    Ashley Keaton vs. Reeve Trucking Company, Inc., et al.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day jury trial

Trial:  5-6-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  4-25-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  4-14-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001343    Raedean Hunter vs. Dana Marie Texeira, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 9-23-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  Defendant Pinecrest Owners Association has not been served.  Plaintiff’s CMC statement does not provide an explanation for the failure to serve.  If the Pinecrest Owners Association has not been served prior to the continued CMC date, plaintiff’s next CMC statement must include an explanation for the delay.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001345    Gutierrez Penn Valley Enterprises, Inc., vs. D & L Siding, Inc.

The case management conference is continued to 9-23-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  Defendant Lou Ann Kolb has not been served; a default, answer, or other responsive pleading is needed as to defendants Louis Kolb and D&L Siding.  On the cross-complaint by North River Insurance, no cross-defendants have been served.   No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001347    Patricia Kukucka, et al. vs. Grass Valley S H, LLC, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 9-23-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  No defendant has filed an answer or responsive pleading and a petition to compel arbitration is pending.   No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001352    William Vick vs Rmax Operating, LLC, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 9-23-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  A default, answer, or other responsive pleading is needed as to defendant Lincoln and Long Engineering.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU21-085893 Tom Amesbury, et al. vs. Barbara Heger, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 10-21-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  In lieu of a CMC Statement, counsel shall submit a declaration regarding the status of binding arbitration.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU22-086292 William Woodruff Blackburn vs. Albert Frank Rossitto, et al.

The case is dismissed without prejudice per California Rule of Court, rule 3.1385(b).

7-8-24 Tentative Rulings--Case Management 


CL0001239     American Express National Bank vs. Rose Cage

A review hearing on the conditional dismissal is set for 2-23-2026 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  No appearances are required.

CU0001199    Valerie Latchman vs. Casey Brubaker

The court is in receipt of the declarations of diligence regarding attempts to serve the defendant.  A Case Management Conference is set September 16, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  Counsel is admonished to file a Case Management Conference Statement prior to the hearing.  If the defendant has not been served, the CMC Statement shall explain what further efforts have been made to serve the defendant.

Case Management Conferences

  1. CU0000385    Olsen, Derek et al v. Sugalski, David et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to September 6, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6 for trial setting.  If plaintiff intends to file a motion for leave to file a supplemental complaint, it should be filed forthwith and set for a hearing prior to the continued Case Management Conference.

  1. CU0000564    Ton Cho Saelee vs. Henry Eddie et al

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day jury trial

Trial:  3-25-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  3-14-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  3-3-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0000953    RODNEY WINTER et al vs. MOUNTAIN HARDWARE & SPORTS, INC. et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-9-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  Defendant Gonzales (Doe #1) has not yet been served.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001159    Jon Landon vs. Harmony Ridge Resorts et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-9-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  A demurrer is pending.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001160    ABDULLAH AWADALLA et al vs. GINA CATALDO et al

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

10 day non-jury trial

Trial:  1-21-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  1-10-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  12-30-24, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001163    Rikki Rockett vs. Mountain Valley Child & Family Services

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

10 day non-jury trial

Trial:  2-18-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  2-7-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  1-27-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001190    Alice Branton et al vs. Zarlasht Fakiri, D.O. et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-9-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  Defendants have not been served.  The court notes that, while plaintiff has filed a notice of posting of jury fees, the court’s ledger does not reflect the actual payment of jury fees.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001202    Justin Koster vs. Verdin Tovar Pedro et al

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

10 day jury trial

Trial:  6-3-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  5-23-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  5-12-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001224    Dean, Erin v. Knight's Paint Incorporated

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

5 day jury trial

Trial:  4-15-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  4-4-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  3-24-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001290    JOHN DOE 1 et al vs. ERICA'S PLAYHOUSE et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-9-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  A motion to stay discovery is pending.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001304    Degtyarev, Sergey v. Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-9-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The defendant has not been served and no Case Management Statement has been filed.  Plaintiff must serve the defendant before the next case management conference and shall file a Case Management Statement 14 days before the next hearing.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001320    Sara Bowling vs. Caseproof, LLC et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-9-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The case is not yet at issue.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001323    Ryan Shirley vs. Dynasty Valley, LLC, a California limited liability company

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-9-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  A default, Answer, or other Responsive Pleading is required for the defendant.  The court admonishes counsel to file a Case Management Statement 14 days before the continued Case Management Conference hearing.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001418    BACON  et al. vs. STATEWIDE HOMES, INC.

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-9-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The case is not yet at issue.  No appearances are required.

7-1-2024 Case Management Conferences

  1. CU0000663    BRIAN KELLEY et al vs. REBECCA AYCOCK et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to 8-19-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The new defendants named in the Amended Complaint have not been served.  As the case is no longer at issue, the trial and associated dates are vacated.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000782    Robert Hill vs. Matthew Chilcott et al

The review hearing after Notice of Conditional Dismissal is continued to 10-14-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6, as required by CRC 3.1385(c)(2).

  1. CU0000823    David Arnold Sauer vs. Calvin Merrill Robinson et al

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

10 day jury

Trial:  12-3-24, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  11-22-24, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  11-12-24, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001008    David B. Weybright et al vs. Thor Industries, LLC et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9/16/24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The defendants who are the subject of the three recent Doe amendments have not yet been served or appeared.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001068    Scott Allen Luiz, Sr. vs. Judith Ann McLachlin

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day jury

Trial:  11-19-24, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  11-8-24, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  10-28-24, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001086    Richard Schakow vs. Lester Enterprises Northstate, Inc. et al

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

5 day jury

Trial:  2-11-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  1-31-25 at 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  1-21-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001106    Sabrina Lavish vs. Ryan Milligan et al

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day jury

Trial:  2-11-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  1-31-25 at 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  1-21-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

Default needs to be entered as to nominal defendant LaVish.

  1. CU0001301    Tom Falls et al vs. TORRENT PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.

No appearances are required.  This case has been removed to Federal Court.  The Case Management Conference is continued for tracking purposes to 10-14-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

  1. CU0001306    Kurtis Zumwalt vs. Joshua Edward Daniel

The Case Management Conference is continued to 9-16-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The case is not at issue.  A default, Answer, or other Responsive Pleading is needed regarding defendant Daniel.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001307    Rick Ewald vs. Gary Liardon et al

The Case Management Conference is continued to 10-14-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6, pending petition for coordination.  No appearances are required.


The Case Management Conference is continued to 8-5-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  There is no proof of service as to any defendant, nor has a Case Management Statement been filed.  Plaintiff is admonished that a Case Management Statement is required to be filed prior to this continued hearing.  No appearances are required.

6-24-24 Case Management Conferences

  1. CU0000534    Zuccolillo, Michael v. KAE Investment Solutions LLC

This review hearing after notice of conditional settlement is continued to 7-29-24 per the requirements of CRC 3.1385(c)(2).  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000795    Mark G. Jones vs. Barbara L. Reamer, et al.

The Case Management Conference is continued to 8-26-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The case is not at issue.  A dismissal, default, Answer, or other Responsive Pleading is required for defendants Sierra Asset Investors and Veritas.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000909    Kevin McElwee vs. Alta Sierra Airport Owners Association, et al.

The trial was previously continued to 5/6/25, at 9:00 a.m., with a pretrial conference on 4/25/25 at 11:00 a.m., in Dept. 6.  This is a firm trial date.  The parties have represented that they will be prepared for trial in all consolidated matters on that date.  The parties have selected a mediator and are continuing with mediation.  As such, no mandatory settlement conference has been set.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000958    Alora Willer, et al. vs. Crown Point Partnership, et al.

The Case Management Conference is continued to 8/26/24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The case is not at issue.  Defendants Crown Point Apartments, Olguin, and the Conley defendants have still not been served.   No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001108    Service American Indemnity Company vs. Elizabeth Ann Thomas

The Case Management Conference is continued to 8/26/24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The case is not at issue.  Defendant has not been served with the First Amended Complaint.  Based on the declaration of Counsel Zaiderman, the order to show cause is discharged.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0001248    White, Parker v. Dougherty, Tobin

A Notice of Conditional settlement has been filed.  The Case Management Conference is dropped and a CRC 3.1385(c) dismissal review hearing is set 8-5-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.

No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001288    Justin Moore, et al. vs. Powdr Corporation

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

2 day jury trial

Trial:  3-11-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  2-28-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  2-17-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001289    Nancy Sutton vs. Verlin Knoles, et al.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

5 day jury trial

Trial:  3-25-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  3-14-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  3-3-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001290    John Doe 1 et al vs. Erica's Playhouse, et al.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day non-jury trial

Trial:  3-25-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  3-14-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  3-3-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001291    Beth Anne Orozco Neihouse vs. Ernest Glen Armintrout

No appearances are required.  The Case Management Conference is continued to 8-26-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The case is not at issue.  Defendant has not been served. If a request for dismissal has not been filed by 8-1-24, plaintiff shall serve the defendant and file proof of service. 

11.  CU0001292  Carrie Criss-Harvey vs. Pacific Life Insurance Co.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

5 day jury trial

Trial:  4-1-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  3-21-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  3-10-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

12.  CU0001293  Minta Mae Stovall vs. WMPD LLC, et al.

Appearances are required.  Plaintiff’s motion for trial preference was granted.  The 120th day is Saturday, October 19, 2024.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

5 day bench trial

Trial:  10-15-24, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  10-4-24, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  9-23-24, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

6-17-24 Case Management Conference Calendar

  1. CU0000045    Guyton, Jeffrey P v. Cruz, Devon German et al.

The Case Management Conference is continued to 8-19-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  Plaintiff must promptly initiate appropriate steps to serve defendant including exploration of alternative means of service other than personal service.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000284    DuBois, Tod v Fetty, Scott et al.

The Case Management Conference is continued to 8-16-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The case is not at issue.  A default, answer, or other responsive pleading is needed for defendant Rollins Lakeside and defendant Fetty.  If a default or an answer has been filed by the next Case Management Conference, the court intends to set trial dates.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000828    Brady, Brooke v. Silverman, Carol

Appearances are required for OSC issued to plaintiff for failure to appear on March 18, 2024.  Plaintiff shall be prepared to address the question of whether defendant has been properly served with the summons and complaint as suggested in the July 17, 2023 proof of service. 

  1. CU0001175    Amber Ortiz vs. Paul Law Property Management et al.

The Case Management Conference is continued to 8-16-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The case is not at issue.  A default, answer, or other responsive pleading is needed for defendant Paul Law Property Management.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001178    Ludlum, Gregory vs. Terranova, Joshua, Executor et al.

The Case Management Conference is continued to 8-16-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  There is no proof of service on defendant KD Specialties Inc.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0001181    Hermosa, Cynthia vs. Kilpatrick, Adam Rayford et al.

Appearance of plaintiff’s counsel required to advise court of the status of this case.  no case management statement was filed for this hearing or for the April 22, 2024 hearing.

6-10-2024 Case Management Conferences

  1. CL0001203           Discover Bank vs. Owen Bradley

The hearing for review of conditional dismissal is continued to 9-8-2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CL0001259           Thomas M. Deal v. Fred Gerkensmeyer, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 7-15-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  The case cannot be set for trial until all defendants have filed an answer or have been defaulted.  The court is cognizant of the 3-4-23 proof of service as to Regional Housing Authority.  It is not entirely clear that Regional Housing Authority has been properly served.  In any event, Regional Housing Authority has not presently filed an answer or responsive complaint.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0000485          Jennifer Hicks, et al. v., Sonia Sokolow, et al.

Plaintiff’s amended complaint was filed 1-19-24.  GRPM, Inc. and Sokolow apparently have been served.  None of these defendants have filed an answer or responsive pleading.  It does not appear that RCI Corp. has been served.  The case management conference is continued to 8-12-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6, as the case is not at issue.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0000634          Carla Marie Vieira vs. California Department of Transportation, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 8-12-24 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  Plaintiff is still attempting to serve defendant Estate of Knoelle and the case is not at issue.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0000661          Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. vs. Jerad G. Hioki

This matter is dropped from the calendar.  A dismissal has been filed.  The pending orders to show cause are vacated.  No appearances are required.

  1. CU0000994          Ridge Top Ventures, LLC vs. Derrie A. Malone

The case management conference is continued to 8-12-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  Defendant has not yet been served.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0001051          Megan Marie Cole, et al. vs. Tamera Biagi

The case is dismissed pursuant to California Rule of Court, rule 3.1385.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0001120          Mark David Percin vs. Albertsons Safeway LLC

The case management conference is continued to 9-9-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 6.  If no cross-complaint has been filed by that date, the court intends to set the trial and associated dates.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0001141          Peter Greenberger, et al. vs. JP Excavating and Paving, et al.

The case management conference is continued to 10-7-2024.  An arbitration is pending.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0001190          Alice Branton, et al. vs. Zarlasht Fakiri, D.O., et al.

Appearance of plaintiff’s counsel required for OSC re: sanctions.

  1. CU0001258          Randy Lee Miller vs. Nevada Commons

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day non-jury

Trial:  3-4-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  2-21-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  2-10-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001266          Discover Bank vs. Elijah Aizenberg

The case management conference is continued to 8-12-2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept 6.  The defendant has not yet been served.  No appearances are required. 

  1. CU0001268          Barbara Moynihan vs. City of Nevada, et al.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day jury

Trial:  3-4-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  2-21-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  2-10-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001270          Marin Martin vs. Crystal Kanada, et al.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

7 day jury

Trial:  3-18-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  3-7-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  2-24-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

  1. CU0001272          Jennifer Sutherlin vs. Thomas M. Boyle, M.D., et al.

No appearances are required.  Trial is hereby set as follows:

10 day jury

Trial:  10-7-25, 9:00 a.m., Dept. 6

PTC:  9-26-25, 11:00 a.m., Dept. 6

MSC:  9-15-25, 10:00 a.m., Dept. 6

July 11, 2024 Department 3 Guardianship Tentative Rulings


These are the Court’s tentative rulings.  Attorneys and parties are directed to review the tentative rulings prior to the scheduled hearing. These tentative rulings will be adopted by the Court, unless the guardian and / or parent personally appears at the hearing and objects to the tentative ruling. The person requesting that appearance must notify the other party / parties AND the court before 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing date. 

Email with a copy to the other party / parties to give this notice.   You may appear by video by arranging a remote appearance at least two court days prior to hearing by emailing:  The email subject line needs to contain Zoom Request:  Hearing date, 9:00 a.m. Department 3 for Case #.   Fill in the correct date and case number, of course. 

If you need any help with the information in the tentative ruling, you can: 

07/11/2024 at 9:00 a.m. Guardianship Calendar Tentative Rulings Department 3  

  1. Case No.  P12-15364 In the Matter of: Rodolfo P.

Guardianship remains necessary, convenient and in the best interests of the minor. The Court has reviewed the GC 251 Annual Confidential Status Report filed on 05/21/2024.   Your appearance on Thursday, 07/11/2024, at 9:00 a.m. is not necessary. Guardianship shall terminate as a matter of law on 08/17/2024 when the minor reaches age 18. No further review hearing is set.

  1. Case No.  P15-15731  In the Matter of: Cameron B.

The minor has reached the age of majority.  This guardianship has terminated as a matter of law. The hearing is dropped

  1. Case No.  P19-16471  In the Matter of: Zayne P.

Guardianship remains necessary, convenient and in the best interests of the minor. The Court has reviewed the GC 251 Annual Confidential Status Report filed on 05/22/2024.  Your appearance on Thursday, 07/11/2024, at 9:00 a.m. is not necessary.

The next annual review hearing is set for Thursday, 07/03/2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of the Superior Court of California Please check the Court website 2 business days before the hearing date to verify if you need to come to that hearing date.

  1. Case No.  P20-16650  In the Matter of: Asher R.

Guardianship remains necessary, convenient and in the best interests of the minor. The Court has reviewed the GC 251 Annual Confidential Status Report filed on 05/22/2024.  Your appearance on Thursday, 07/11/2024, at 9:00 a.m. is not necessary.

The next annual review hearing is set for Thursday, 07/03/2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of the Superior Court of California Please check the Court website 2 business days before the hearing date to verify if you need to come to that hearing date.

  1. Case No.  PR0000275  In the Matter of: Thayne N.

The Court has not received the GC-251 Annual Confidential Status Report from the Guardians.  The matter is set for hearing on Thursday, 07/11/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of the Superior Court of California. Personal appearance is required.

If you need forms or assistance with the orders, you may contact the attorney of your choice or the Nevada County Court Self-Help Center at or 530-362-4309, Ext. 4. See Superior Court of the County of Nevada - Self Help Center | Family Law Facilitator | Small Claims Advisor ( for hours and further information.

  1. Case No.  PR0000309  In the Matter of: Caden S.

Guardianship remains necessary, convenient and in the best interests of the minor. The Court has reviewed the GC 251 Annual Confidential Status Report filed on 06/07/2024.  Your appearance on Thursday, 07/11/2024, at 9:00 a.m. is not necessary.

The next annual review hearing is set for Thursday, 07/03/2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of the Superior Court of California Please check the Court website 2 business days before the hearing date to verify if you need to come to that hearing date.

  1. Case No.  PR0000310  In the Matter of: Faith R.

Guardianship remains necessary, convenient and in the best interests of the minor. The Court has reviewed the GC 251 Annual Confidential Status Report filed on 06/07/2024.  Your appearance on Thursday, 07/11/2024, at 9:00 a.m. is not necessary.

The next annual review hearing is set for Thursday, 07/03/2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of the Superior Court of California Please check the Court website 2 business days before the hearing date to verify if you need to come to that hearing date.

Friday, July 5, 2024, Department 3 Family Law Status Conference

Friday, June 7, 2024, Department 3 Family Law Status Conference

Friday, May 3, 2024 Department 3 Family Law Status Conference

Friday, April 5, 2024 Department 3 Family Law Status Conference 

Friday, March 1, 2024 Department 3 Family Law Status Conference 

Friday, February 2, 2024, Department 3 Family Law Status Conference 

Friday, 07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3 Family Law Status Conference calendar

If you need any help with the next step in your case, you can: 

  • Find Your Court Forms - Divorce  for the forms stated in the tentative ruling.  OR
  • Submit a Self-Help request  OR
  • Send email to  OR
  • Come to the Court’s Self-Help Center Monday through Friday for forms and information about the next steps.  Open hours are on the Court web site.
  • The Self-Help Center can help you find/complete the forms to move your case to the next step.
  • Consult a private attorney.

Family Law Status Conference standard order terms. 

The following terms apply to all of the below cases and are incorporated by reference into the tentative decision for each case.   Review them carefully.  

  1. If either party wishes to object to the tentative decision and to appear in Court on the date stated above, that party must notify the other party and also notify the Court Clerk by telephone to 530-362-4309 Ext. 8 or by email to no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Court day before the current Status Conference date.  If neither party gives this notice, the tentative decision will be adopted as the order of the Court.  
  1. If neither party gives that notice, your appearance on the current Status Conference date at 9:00 a.m. is not necessary UNLESS the order in your case requires that appearance.    
  1. No Judgment has been entered in this case yet.  No Judgment or other orders will be entered automatically. Moving forward with this case will require action from at least one party.  
  1. If you need forms or assistance with the orders in item 2, you may contact the attorney of your choice or the Nevada County Court Self-Help Center at or 530-362-4309, Ext. 4. See Superior Court of the County of Nevada - Self Help Center | Family Law Facilitator | Small Claims Advisor ( for hours and further information.  
  1. If both parties want to opt out of further status conference, each must notify the Clerk at, with a copy to the other party. Unless both parties opt out at least three (3) court days before the status conference date, appearance at the next status conference is required.   
  1. If both parties opt out of the status conference process, the orders to serve and file the above documents will be vacated at the time that this opt out is effective.  These documents will still be required before the case can proceed further. The Court can place the case back on the Status Conference calendar and reinstate a filing deadline for these documents on request of either party or by the Court giving notice of a new Status Conference date. 
  1. Submission of a settlement agreement and Judgment documents will vacate the Status Conference only after the Judge has approved the Judgment.     


07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000621              

Petitioner:  Ryan, Clint          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Rodrigues Ryan, Elizabeth Susan                     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date of delivery of the documents. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000629              

Petitioner:  Anderson, Alison Marie                                     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Anderson, Zach

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date of delivery of the documents. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000632              

Petitioner:  Glines, Deborah  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Glines, Stephen

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000637              

Petitioner:  Azcarate, Antonio                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Alcalay, Milna  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1.  Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date and delivery method of the documents. 
    2. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date and delivery method of the documents.
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000648              

Petitioner:  McQuade, Jason 

Attorney: Walters, Cleat Self-Represented

Respondent: McQuade, Amanda                                          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001023              

Petitioner:  Davis, Jerrett       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Davis, Angel      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001159              

Petitioner:  Hojnacki, Jennifer

Attorney: Medina, Angelina

Respondent: Taapa, Jonathon                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL00001176            

Petitioner:  Adachi, Craig      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Adachi, Susan   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001193              

Petitioner:  Belendez, Rachel

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Belendez, Robert                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .   .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001197              

Petitioner:  Trethewey, Mary E.                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Trethewey, Paul M.                                          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date of delivery of the documents.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    3. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    4. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001203              

Petitioner:  Selletti, Stephanie                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Selletti, Justin   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.     
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001205              

Petitioner:  Stockton, Thomas                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Stockton, Marianne                                         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    3. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001214              

Petitioner:  Denu-White, Donna                                            

Attorney: Strasser, Laura

Respondent: White, Michael

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001237              

Petitioner:  Mosley, Ryan      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Headrick, Jennifer                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    3. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001238              

Petitioner:  Grant, James       

Attorney:  Christie, Nancy

Respondent: Cookson, Christine                                           

Attorney:  Walters, Cleat

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001262              

Petitioner:  Iorns, Rebecca    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Iorns, Jonathan 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Respondent’s default was entered on 08/17/2024, but Petitioner has not submitted further documents to finish the case.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001581              

Petitioner:  Larkins, Bridget Browning                                  

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

Respondent: Larkins, Jonathan Robert                                 

Attorney: Bisson-Dath, Jonathan

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001683              

Petitioner:  Skellenger, Jason

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Skellengerm Katherine                                     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL00001698            

Petitioner:  Cook, Tia             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Cook, Scott       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons .  FL-115 is not complete.  The address information is missing.  If original server is not available to correct this, the documents will need to be re-served.  Once date of Service has been fixed, the Court requires one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response  and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response.  Parties may use FL14 Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner.
          1. OR 
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default from Petitioner more than thirty days after Petition package has been served.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141.   
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001700              

Petitioner:  Dolcini, Keith       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Dolcini, Hannah

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001708              

Petitioner:  Vickers, Ariana Kathleen                                     

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

Respondent: Vickers, Matthew William                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001712              

Petitioner:  Kanani, Babak     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Kanani, Miriam

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.     
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001731              

Petitioner:  Placido, Stanley  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Placido, Vivian  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001753              

Petitioner:  Kaur, Kirandeep  

Attorney: Smathers, H. Gary

Respondent: Jose Bendana, Aldo                                          

Attorney: Patrick, Sean

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001755              

Petitioner:  Christensen, Mardalynne Caldwell                    

Attorney: Christie, Nancy

Respondent: Christensen, Jeffrey                                         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    3. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001763              

Petitioner:  Menzes, Rebecca

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Menzes, Freddie                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001773              

Petitioner:  Sanders, Jefferson                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Echternacht, Mariah                                        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. No further Status Conference will be scheduled.  If neither party revokes the FL-800 petition, judgment will be entered on or after 07/05/2024.
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001774              

Petitioner:  Acre, Jonathan Rico                                            

Attorney: Gettys, Candence

Respondent: Davis, Brianna  

Attorney: Strasser, Laura

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001775              

Petitioner:  Wimberly, Mary 

Attorney: Gettys, Candence

Respondent: Wimberly, Gary

Attorney: Foley, Ryan

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001777              

Petitioner:  Brace, George     

Attorney: Klein, W. Gregory

Respondent: Brace, Darci     

Attorney: Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    3. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001779              

Petitioner:  Giguerre, Jami    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Giguerre, Aubri

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001780              

Petitioner:  Chazen, Traci      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Chazen, Joshua Matthew                                 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 01/03/2025, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/31/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 01/03/2025, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



07/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001832              

Petitioner:  Eidson, Abby       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: HIgh, Devon      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This case was filed on 07/16/2020, more than 18 months ago. Further status conference is not scheduled.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000403              

Petitioner:  Hernandez, Jenny Marie                                    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Hernandez, Juan Carlos                                   

Attorney: Klein, W. Gregory

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000588              

Petitioner:  Derrick, Seth       

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

Respondent: Fox, Amy           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000606              

Petitioner:  Dion, Gerald A., Jr.                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Brown,  Sheryl C.                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000609              

Petitioner:  Grunewald, Daniel Chris                                     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Grunewald, Tina Christine                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.    
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000613              

Petitioner:  Lee-Walker, Amanda                                          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Walker, Anthony                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001040              

Petitioner:  Williams, Kendall

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Williams, RIcky 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.    
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001071              

Petitioner:  VanValkenberg. Angela                                      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Clark, Gavin      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001073              

Petitioner:  Applegate, Hillary

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Applegate, Nicholas                                         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001076              

Petitioner:  Duarte, Miraiah  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Nicholson, Clint

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001093              

Petitioner:  Cassaro, Veo       

Attorney: Klein, W. Gregory

Respondent: Cassaro, Robert

Attorney: Curley, Siobhan

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001103              

Petitioner:  Ly, Sarah             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Ly, Cun              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001105              

Petitioner:  Lerche, Ella         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Ramsay, Mitchell                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
    2. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date and delivery method of the documents. 
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001109              

Petitioner:  Dunmire, Judy     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Dunmire, David

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001140              

Petitioner:  Whitley, Sierra    

Attorney: Klein, W. Gregory

Respondent: Whitley, Thomas                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001313              

Petitioner:  Carver, Christopher                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Carver, Renee  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001619              

Petitioner:  Knox, Keenen      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Zolling, Kimberly                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-270 Response to Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001623              

Petitioner:  Kendrick, Scott    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Kendrick, Karen

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001626              

Petitioner:  Gutierrez Agoado, Christine                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Gutierrez Agoado, Richard                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons .  FL-115 is not complete.  The address / date / time / server information is missing.  If original server is not available to correct this, the documents will need to be re-served.  Once correct Proof of Service has been filed, the Court requires one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response  and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response.  Parties may use FL14 Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner.
          1. OR 
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default from Petitioner more than thirty days after Petition package has been served.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141.   
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001629              

Petitioner:  Driggs, Kristin L.  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Driggs, Jeffrey P.                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001630              

Petitioner:  D'Andrande, Jennifer Michelle                          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: D'Andrade, Alain Victor                                   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001644              

Petitioner:  Peeler, Jennifer Jasmine                                     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Peeler, Jason Daniel                                         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001645              

Petitioner:  Spellman, Michael H.                                         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Spellman, Martha Steele                                 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001646              

Petitioner:  Boehme, Lindsey

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

Respondent: Boheme, Zachary                                             

Attorney: Klein, William

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001649              

Petitioner:  Lopez, Molly       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Alvarado Lopez, Ruben                                    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001651              

Petitioner:  Ford, Tara           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Tyner, Cath       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001673              

Petitioner:  Dana, Jayleen      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Dana, Justin      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001676              

Petitioner:  Kenney, Brianna 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Kenney, Richard

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001692              

Petitioner:  Tostenson, Briannahlyn                                      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Tostenson, Michael                                         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date of service of the documents.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



06/07/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001702              

Petitioner:  Avery, Stephanie 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Avery, Jerry      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 12/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 12/02/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  ONLY if the parties want to request that marital status terminate before 07/23/2024.  If the marital termination date will be on or after 07/23/2024, the Response sets the date the court acquired jurisdiction. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 12/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.




05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000519              

Petitioner:  Arzt, Lawrence    

Attorney: Klein, W. Gregory

Respondent: Arzt, Virginia    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000520              

Petitioner:  Barrera, Celina V.

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Murphy, Dale S.

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000548              

Petitioner:  Williams, Chelsea Michelle                                

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Williams, Benjamin Dean                                 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR showing the address of service of the Summons and Petition documents. 
    2. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the person served, date or delivery method of the documents. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000576              

Petitioner:  Gittings, Bennett Lee                                          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Gittings, Megan Nicole                                    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.  
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000966              

Petitioner:  Vigil, Stephany    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Vigil, Trevor      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000993              

Petitioner:  Brown, Courtney 

Attorney: Besselman, Nina

Respondent: Brown, David    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000994              

Petitioner:  Hines, Gwendelyn                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Hines, Philip     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000995              

Petitioner:  Bevitori, Kellen   

Attorney: Christie, Nancy

Respondent: Bevitori, Thomas                                              

Attorney: Sara Thompson

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001032              

Petitioner:  Parmenter, Tina  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Parmenter, Christopher                                   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    3. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001058              

Petitioner:  Stockdale. Gabriella                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Stockdale, Jonathan Ross                                 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001060              

Petitioner:  Frazer, Andrea    

Attorney: Klein, W. Gregory

Respondent: Frazer, Douglas

Attorney: Self-Represented

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001092              

Petitioner:  Aplington, George                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Aplington, Dana

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001545              

Petitioner:  Nielson, Kyla       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Corbett, Wade  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001557              

Petitioner:  Vineyard, Iris      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Vargas, Michael

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .    
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001570              

Petitioner:  Martisko, Mollie 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Martisko, Chase

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.  Petitioner filed FL-141 on 10/16/2023, but it is not correct and does not show when and how Petitioner’s preliminary  disclosure documents were served on Respondent. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001576              

Petitioner:  Brose, Amber Christine                                      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Brose, Patrick Marshall                                    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001583              

Petitioner:  Nyman, Marianne                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Nyman, Daniel 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001586              

Petitioner:  Setzer, Joe C.      

Attorney: John Downing

Respondent: Setzer, Darline L.                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001590              

Petitioner:  Farmer, Jeffrey   

Attorney: Nordstrom, Jayne

Respondent: Farmer, Jessica 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
    3. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001592              

Petitioner:  Zahediahrami, Seyed Habibollah                        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Moseley, Haley Elizabeth                                 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.     
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001598              

Petitioner:  Evans, Haley Ann

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Chappell, MIchael Lee                                      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001600              

Petitioner:  Talley, Krystal     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Carson, Alexander                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
    3. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001609              

Petitioner:  Cancino, Jose Luis                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Cancino, Diane 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .   
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001611              

Petitioner:  Deschaine, Shauneen                                         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Deschaine, Tyler                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001613              

Petitioner:  Murphy, Kerrin   

Attorney: Granger, Jennifer

Respondent: Johnston, Brennan                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    3. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001616              

Petitioner:  Nelson, Geoffrey

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Nelson, Allison 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001618              

Petitioner:  Prieto, Savanna   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Prieto, Antonio 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    3. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.


  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001631              

Petitioner:  Lawson, Elizabeth                                               

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

Respondent: Lawson, David  

Attorney: Bell, Joseph

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



05/03/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001670              

Petitioner:  Hanson, Lora      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Hanson, Dustin 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 11/01/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 10/28/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .   
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 11/01/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000250              

Petitioner:  Venditti, Gerald  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Venditti, Edwardeen                                        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000445              

Petitioner:  Tietjen, Isaac      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: McCandless, Jacquelynne G                             

Attorney: Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons .  FL-115 is not complete.  The documents served do not include service of Petition or of UCCJEA Declaration.  If original server is not available to correct this, the documents will need to be re-served.  Once date of Service has been filed, the Court requires one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response  and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response.  Parties may use FL14 Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner.
          1. OR 
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default from Petitioner more than thirty days after Petition package has been served.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141.   
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000467              

Petitioner:  Stamos, Kerry     

Attorney: Ramos, Shannon

Respondent: Stamos, Spiro   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date and delivery method of the documents and purports to serve Final Declaration, not Preliminary Declaration.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    3. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    4. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000490              

Petitioner:  Perry, Nicole       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Perry, Brian      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons .  FL-115 is not complete.  The address of service information is missing.  If original server is not available to correct this, the documents will need to be re-served.  Once date of Service has been filed, the Court requires one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response  and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response.  Parties may use FL14 Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR 
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default from Petitioner more than thirty days after Petition package has been served.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141.   
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000531              

Petitioner:  Ollar, Tiffanee    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Olar, Mikael     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000550              

Petitioner:  Lyman, Carolyn   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Lyman, Jason    

Attorney: Besselman, Nina

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000881              

Petitioner:  Locatelli, Sarah   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Locatelli, Daniel

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
      1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.    
    2. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000882              

Petitioner:  Wolfe, Caitlin      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Seeba, Nicholas

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons .  FL-115 is not complete.  The address information is missing.  If original server is not available to correct this, the documents will need to be re-served. 
    2. Once date of Service has been filed, the Court requires one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response  and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response.  Parties may use FL14 Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner.  OR 
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default from Petitioner more than thirty days after Petition package has been served.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141.   
    3. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    4. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date and delivery method of the documents.
    5. Corrected FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers  Item 1 is blank. Form is not signed by both parties.


  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000891              

Petitioner:  O'Brien, Taj         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Strong, Stephnanie                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000909              

Petitioner:  Stratton-Hancock, Shana                                    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Hancock, Joshua Joseph Eugene                      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that a Judgment has been submitted. If the Judgment is approved by the Court, this hearing will be cancelled. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000901              

Petitioner:  Mccoy, Maki       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Mccoy, Seth      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  on the amended Petitions and Summons. The Court does not have proof of service of any of the amended pleadings. OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000911              

Petitioner:  Davis, George     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Myers, Julie      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000914              

Petitioner:  Bailey, Terrance 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Westenberger, Kelly                                        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000930              

Petitioner:  Neves, Brian Keith Jr.                                          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: MaKenzie, Jo Rose                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000931              

Petitioner:  Leicester, Kimberly                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Hakanson, Jimmy                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000932              

Petitioner:  Cook, Takwan     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Onescu, Ashley 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.


  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000935              

Petitioner:  Nuzzo, Brandon  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Shipherd, Chelsey                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR The Court’s copy did not get scanned correctly.  Petitioner, please bring a copy  for scanning. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000943              

Petitioner:  Nelson, Robert    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Brown, Denise Yvette                                       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000944              

Petitioner:  Fajnor, Lucas       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Roehm, Rebecca                                              

Attorney: Collins, Christopher

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    3. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.


  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001227              

Petitioner:  Ryley, Shawn Michael Richard                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Ryley, Dawn Michelle                                      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.  
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner showing service of Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent showing service of Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure.
    3. Either FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure showing service of Final Declaration of Disclosure from each party OR FL-144 Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure. The Court notes that these financial disclosures are for the protection of the parties.  

While the Court does not encourage a waiver of service of a Final Declaration of Disclosure, the parties may waive these requirements.

  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001395              

Petitioner:  Restad, Barbara  

Attorney: Montero, John V.  

Respondent: Restad, Lawrence                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001434              

Petitioner:  Laird, Ralph Eldon                                               

Attorney: Poggeman, Felix

Respondent: Laird, Trina Marie                                            

Attorney: Carter, Greg

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001436              

Petitioner:  Graves, Shawna D.                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Graves, Gary Lee                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001441              

Petitioner:  Menig, Faith        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Menig, Ryan     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001443              

Petitioner:  McKenzie, Michelle                                            

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

Respondent: McKenzie, Gregory                                          

Attorney: Miller, Chandra

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court.


  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001458              

Petitioner:  Dalmau, Brandee

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Martinelli, David                                              

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001459              

Petitioner:  Imsdahl, Lindsey 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Nyholm, Jason  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001467              

Petitioner:  Andreus, Jodi      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Walsh, Robert  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date and delivery method of the documents and signature is undated. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001477              

Petitioner:  Poulter, Thomas 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Kemper, Mary Ellen                                         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001482              

Petitioner:  Bauman, Travis   

Attorney: Gigliotti, Robert

Respondent: Bauman, Natalie                                              

Attorney: Anderson, James-Phillip V.M.

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001484              

Petitioner:  Hanretty, Michael J.                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Hanretty, Jennifer M.                                       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    3. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    4. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001489              

Petitioner:  Hart, Patricia      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Hart, John         

Attorney: Christie, Nancy

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001500              

Petitioner:  Garcia, Candice  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Garcia, Thomas

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  if the parties want judgment entered before six months and one day after the Response was filed.
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The Court notes that this case involves the same parties and type of action as FL0001502.  The Court is not ordering consolidation at this time, but it would avoid some confusion and be more cost effective were the parties to enter into a written stipulation to consolidate these cases or for both parties to appear and request this consolidation on April 5, 2024.
  1.  The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FLFL0001501           

Petitioner:  Witt, Carina        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Carl, Robert III  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001502              

Petitioner:  Garcia, Thomas Ronald                                       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Garcia, Candice S.                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The Court notes that this case involves the same parties and type of action as FL0001500.  The Court is not ordering consolidation at this time, but it would avoid some confusion and be more cost effective were the parties to enter into a written stipulation to consolidate these cases or for both parties to appear and request this consolidation on April 5, 2024.
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001507              

Petitioner:  Ballinger, Sabreena                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Ballinger, Danile                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001508              

Petitioner:  Toohey, Candice 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Toohey, Brian   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.


  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  1. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001518              

Petitioner:  Medlyn, Casey    

Attorney: Gettys, Candence

Respondent: Medlyn, Robert

Attorney: Granger, Jennifer

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001579              

Petitioner:  Wilcox, Barbara  

Attorney: Nordstom, Jayne

Respondent: Wilcox, Hugh

Attorney: Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 10/04/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  for personal service of the first and second amended Petition and Summons unless Respondent waives such personal service.  Default will not be entered on service by mail.
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 10/04/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



04/05/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001597              

Petitioner:  Gervasoni, Amanda Lynn                                    

Attorney: Anderson, James-Phillip V.M.

Respondent: Gervasoni, Michael James                               

Attorney: Hensley, Trevor

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.




03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000333              

Petitioner:  Foster, Ashley     

Attorney: Gettys, Candence 

Respondent: Foster, John      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000374              

Petitioner:  Green, Austin      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Martin, Faith    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed.  The Court notes that FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail is not correct service for the Summons and Petition.
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000399              

Petitioner:  Smith, Christine A.                                              

Attorney: Granger, Jennifer 

Respondent: Smith, Ryan G.  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000807              

Petitioner:  Gonsalez, Gustavo                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Zahir, Vevalinea

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date and delivery method of the documents. 
    2. Corrected FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons .  FL-115 is not complete.  The service address and date of signature of the server are missing.  If original server is not available to correct this, the documents will need to be re-served.  Once date of Service has been filed, the Court requires one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response  and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response.  Parties may use FL14 Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner.
          1. OR 
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default from Petitioner more than thirty days after Petition package has been served.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141.   
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000827              

Petitioner:  Klitzke, Michael  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Smith, Lianna   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000832              

Petitioner:  Schneider, Adrian

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Schneider, Garbrielle                                       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
    2. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.
    3. FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.
    4. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000834              

Petitioner:  Johanesen, Lainie

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Ryan, Richard   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000835              

Petitioner:  Tymkowicz, Kyleen                                             

Attorney: Tymkowicz, Sasha 

Respondent: Dickson, Brian  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date of delivery of the documents.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000842              

Petitioner:  Johnson, Angelique                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Gonzales-Padilla, Juan                                      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.


Case No. FL0000903            

Petitioner:  Schwartz, Patrick

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Schwartz, Lacey B.                                          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

1.      Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 09/04/2024.

2.      The Court notes that the following are still required:

a.       Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date of service of the documents.

b.      FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Petitioner.

c.       FL20 Status Conference Questionnaire (Nevada County) from Respondent.

d.      The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.

3.      The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.

4.      The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001344              

Petitioner:  Tibbets, Ariana Letitia                                        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Johnson, Rolf Jedidiah                                    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001393              

Petitioner:  Herrenkohl, Renee                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Herrenkohl, Corey                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001397              

Petitioner:  DeCamp, Michele R.                                           

Attorney: Christie, Nancy 

Respondent: DeCamp, Steven                                               

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL00001398            

Petitioner:  Tipton, Brittany  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Cook, Jared       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001405              

Petitioner:  Weddle, Dylan    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Canon, Chloe    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



03/01/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001416              

Petitioner:  Mantooth, Colleen                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Mantooth, Steve                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 09/06/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 08/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 09/06/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000249              

Petitioner:  Fowler, Irawati Widjanarto                                

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Fowler, David Evan                                          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000287              

Petitioner:  Leonard, Jennifer

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Leonard, Gary Warren                                     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   The Court intends to dismiss the case at the status conference. Personal appearance is required if Petitioner wishes to delay that dismissal.
  1. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000321              

Petitioner:  Schmittz, Delanie

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Schmitz, Nicolas Brenden                                

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000323              

Petitioner:  Reed, Cheryl       

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Reed, Eric         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000348              

Petitioner:  Creasey, Mary M.

Attorney: Granger, Jennifer

Respondent: Durfee, Ian L.    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000353              

Petitioner:  Cox, Cherish Nickole                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Ladd, Cassandra Renee                                    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.  AND
    2. Either FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure   for FINAL Disclosure  from each party OR FL-144 Waiver of Service of Final Declaration of Disclosure signed by both parties. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000369              

Petitioner:  Robertson, Melissa                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Robertson, Tymol                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. Corrected FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons .  FL-115 is not complete.  The address of service information is missing.  If original server is not available to correct this, the documents will need to be re-served.  Once date of Service has been filed, the Court requires one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response  and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response.  Parties may use FL14 Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner.
          1. OR 
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default from Petitioner more than thirty days after Petition package has been served.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141.   
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000424              

Petitioner:  McGill, Amanda J.                                               

Attorney: Fernandez, Cameron

Respondent: McGill, Norman Dillon                                     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. This is the third status conference.   Personal appearance is required.  No continuance is contemplated by the Court at this time.  If Petitioner does not appear at the status conference, the case will be dropped from further Status Conference review.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000558              

Petitioner:  Katz, Michael      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Wunderly, Jenny                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000691              

Petitioner:  Rutherford, Amber                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Rutherford, Sky

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000708              

Petitioner:  Frasier, Amber    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Paradiso, Daniel

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000743              

Petitioner:  Schwartz, Meghan                                              

Attorney: Granger, Jenniffer

Respondent: Schwartz, Anthony                                           

Attorney: Lindsay, Kathy

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000758              

Petitioner:  Ben-Moshe, Erica

Attorney: Gettys, Candence

Respondent: Ben-Moshe, Eldad                                            

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000767              

Petitioner:  Newman, Lana    

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Newman, Keith 

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. Corrected FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. Current FL-141 does not have complete information for the date of delivery of the documents. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000770              

Petitioner:  James, Rani         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Juvinall, Trevor Louis                                        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0000802              

Petitioner:  Ramsden, Jacquelyn                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Ramsden, David

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001231              

Petitioner:  Keeling, Marcynda                                              

Attorney: Granger, Jennifer

Respondent: Chapman, Michael                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL00001269            

Petitioner:  Haut, Jennifer Lee                                              

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

Respondent: Haut, Jeffrey David                                           

Attorney: Christie, Nancy

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001286              

Petitioner:  Updegraff, Brooke                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Updegraff, Joseph                                            

Attorney: Walters, Cleat

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001289              

Petitioner:  Ward, Anne         

Attorney: Gettys, Candence

Respondent: Jenkins, Billy     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.     
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001304              

Petitioner:  Quinn, Joseph     

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Quinn, Aleata   

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons  OR request from Petitioner for additional time to serve documents OR CIV-110 Request for Dismissal  if Petitioner no longer wants to proceed. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner.    
    3. Proof of Service has not been received. When it has been at least 30 days since the Summons and Petition were served on Respondent, one of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3.   FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001306              

Petitioner:  Kladis, Ann          

Attorney: Anderson, James

Respondent: Laurenzo, David

Attorney: Dick, Anthony

  1. Both parties are represented by an attorney. No appearance by parties or counsel is necessary at this Status Conference.  The Court presumes that no further Status Conference is necessary at this time. The matter may be restored to the Status Conference at the request of either party or by notice from the Court. 
  2. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001315              

Petitioner:  Piaget, Isis           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Roldan, Pedro Merida                                      

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001321              

Petitioner:  McCombs, Sabrina                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: McCombs, Duard                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001324              

Petitioner:  Gardner, Michael A.                                           

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Lucero, Sara J.  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001328              

Petitioner:  Young, Maegan  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Chittock, Cabe  

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Petitioner. 
    2. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001332              

Petitioner:  Kapp, Anna          

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Kapp, Eric         

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  1. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. One of the following:
      1. FL-120 Response and FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent, OR
      2. Agreement that Respondent has additional time to file Response. Parties may use FL14. Family Law Stipulation (Nevada County)  if signed by both parties or MC-030 Declaration if only signed by Petitioner. OR
      3. FL-165 Request to Enter Default  from Petitioner.  If there is an agreement, Respondent must file FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure .  
  2. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  3. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001341              

Petitioner:  Coonen, Gerrie Kopec                                        

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Coonen, Steven J.                                             

Attorney:  Self-Represented

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that the following are still required:
    1. FL-141 Declaration re: Service of Declaration of Disclosure from Respondent.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.



02/02/2024, 9:00 a.m. Department 3

Case No. FL0001363              

Petitioner:  Bonds, Kevin Leon                                              

Attorney:  Self-Represented

Respondent: Bonds, Kelly A.  

Attorney: Musgrove, Nicholas

  1. Status Conference is continued to 08/02/2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 3 of Superior Court of California, County of Nevada, Nevada City Branch.  Please check the Court website tentative ruling page to see if a tentative ruling has been posted and if your appearance is necessary. Tentative ruling should be posted on or before 07/30/2024.
  2. The Court notes that FL-141 forms have been filed by both parties. Local FL 20 Status Conference Questionnaire from each party should address the resolved issues, the unresolved issues, whether the case would benefit from supervised settlement conference and / or is ready for trial setting.
  3. The required forms shall be served and filed no later than ten (10) days before 08/02/2024, the next Status Conference date stated in item 1.
  4. The standard terms listed at the top of the tentative decision posting are incorporated by reference.


Click on any of the links below to view the current tentative rulings in that category, or call (530)  362-4309 (option 9).

7-19-24 Case Management Calendar Truckee


No appearances are required. The Case Management Conference is continued to 8/12/2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Dept. A to be heard with the existing OSC re dismissal.  A further OSC re sanctions shall issue for that same date and time, as the plaintiff failed to timely file a Case Management Statement for today’s conference. 

  1. CU0000779    Doe, John v. Tahoe-Truckee Unified School District et al

No appearances are required. The Case Management Conference is continued to 11/15/2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept A. 

  1. CU0000852    Brandi Clark vs. Wells Fargo Bank, National Association et al

No appearances are required. The Case Management Conference is continued to 5/16/2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept A. 

  1. CU0001145    Janice Blue vs. Truckee River RV INC.

Appearances required for the setting of jury trial and related dates.  An OSC re sanctions shall issue as to Plaintiff for failure to timely file a CMC Statement related to today’s conference.

  1. CU0001158    Crosby & Sons Inc. dba Crosby Homes vs. Bhushan Borole

No appearances required.  The Case Management Conference is continued to 8/16/2024 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. A.  The Case is not yet at issue.

  1. CU0001187    Yan Kalika vs. Sugar Bowl Corporation

No appearances required.

Jury trial and related dates are set as follows: 

July Trial:  July 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 2025 – Parties and counsel to appear at 8:30 a.m. in Dept. A each day

Trial Readiness/PTC:  June 17, 2025 at 1:30 p.m. in Dept. A

Mandatory Settlement Conference:  April 30, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. A

Parties are deemed to have waived notice of trial unless they object to this tentative ruling.  A Pre-Trial Order will be served on all parties regardless.

Parties shall file with the court a waiver/non-waiver of conflict of interest indicating whether any and all conflict is waived in relation to the trial judge acting as settlement conference supervisor no later than ten (10) days from now.  Parties may obtain an optional form for this purpose by emailing the court clerk at or may file a pleading of their own creation.

  1. CU0001194    Evelyn Lavoie vs. PIPING ROCK EQUESTRIAN CENTER, LLC et al

No appearances required.  The Case Management Conference is continued to September 20, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Dept. A. 

  1. CU0001353    Roger Dean vs. Kacie Simmons et al

Appearances required by all parties for trial setting.  The Court notes jury fees have not been posted and, thus, intends to set a Court Trial; however the Court needs to inquire of the parties in order to determine the necessary length of trial.

As of May 15, 2023, the Truckee Branch will no longer be preparing and posting tentative rulings for Status Conference hearings for Family Law matters. 

7-22-24 Truckee Tentative Rulings


  1. CL0001548     Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs. Manuel M Jacobo

No appearance required.  The Order to Show Cause is continued to September 9, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Dept. A.  Plaintiff has attempted to file a dismissal of the action yet, for procedural reasons, this filing was rejected.  The Court desires to provide Plaintiff time to either dismiss this case or, in the alternative, complete service in some manner.  If the case is dismissed, the OSC will vacate upon dismissal.

  1. CL0001580     Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. vs. Oziel Lopez

No appearance required.  The Order to Show Cause is continued to October 14, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Dept. A.

  1. CU0001321    American Express National Bank vs. Michael Anglin

No appearance required.  The Order to Show Cause is continued to September 23, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Dept. A. 

  1. CU0001420    Michael Zucker v. USAA Casualty Insurance Company

Appearances required for hearing on Petitioner’s request for appointment of an umpire.

7-22-24 Truckee Tentative Rulings


  1. PR0000159     In Re Brookman, Audrey Joy Lewis

Appearance of Guardian and counsel required for hearing.

  1. PR0000498     In the Matter of The Rooney Family Trust

Appearances required.  The Trustee did not file and serve an accounting by 6/24/2024 as required by the court’s minute orders of 4/22/2024.

  1. PR0000564     In the Matter of George E Taylor

No appearance required.  The hearing is continued to August 26, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Dept. A.  The Petition must be served on all persons named in the will.  Michael Mayton is mentioned in the will as a disinherited child and, therefore, must be served with the Petition. 

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